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Your P.O.V

It's already the 4th trainer, and everyone is paying deep attention.

"Lucario, use aura sphere,"  I shouted

Lucario attacked the Lopunny, and it was a critical hit. Lopunny fainted and went back to it's original form. This is my chance. I faced the balcony, and gave them a thumbs up.

Alain's P.O.V

I saw Y/n do a thumbs up, that's odd. She never does that.

"Hey Chespie, where are you going with Y/n's pokeballs?" I heard Mairin ask

"Ches" Chespie pointed outside

"Awww. You want to play outside with your friends? Well, be careful" Chespie left the room

"Wow, this is the best data I have ever seen" Lysandre exclaimed

"She has beaten 4 trainers for only 10 minutes. That's the fastest I have ever seen. The bond with her pokemon is so strong; it's almost that they don't need to communicate anymore." He added

Chespie's P.O.V

"Where is that room? Where is that room?" I said looking around the hallways.

I tried to be careful, and open each door slowly, so no one will catch me.

"Aha!" I found it

I released the 2 pokeballs.

"It's about time" Metagross beeped

"Metagross, I think you should use your psychic powers to stop the cameras from videoing, and rewind it a bit" Absol suggested

Metagross nodded, and stopped the CCTV cameras from filming, and rewind the footage. It also teleported back to the pokemon center to get the flashdrive. It reappeared and levitated the flashdrive to the computer.

"So, whatcha doin?" I asked

"We're trying to look for info" Absol replied

"For what?"

"Important things" He growled

"Is it about the green glowing things I saw in one of the rooms?"

"What green glowing thing?"

"Absol, you should look at this." Metagross beeped

Absol and I approached the computer, and saw many files and videos. Metagross used his psychic powers to press a key. A video popped up.

"It's the green things I saw earlier." I pointed

There was a tree, and a bunch of pokemon sticking to it.

"Squishy?" Absol asked

"There's more" Metagross added

Another video played, it showed a big stone that was connected to a bunch of wires. It was interrupted by another video, it showed Geosenge Town.

"What's that?" Absol pointed to a file on the bottom of the screen.

Metagross clicked it. It was a legend about a man who lost his pokemon, and revived it, But, he used the weapon that healed his pokemon to destroy the war. Absol began sniffing something.

"Someone is coming" He warned

"The files are almost copied" Metagross

"He's coming closer. We should go now"

"Just a few more seconds"

The door began to open, but Metagross already teleported us outside.

"That was fun" I chirped

Metagross teleported back to the pokemon center to leave the flashdrive, and cam back.

"We should return" Absol said

Both of them went back to the pokeballs, and I walked back in.

"Now, where is that room?" I began opening a bunch of doors again

"Found it"

Alain's P.O.V

"Chespie, you're back" Mairin shouted

"We are going down to congratulate Y/n for beating all the trainers" She added and scooped him up

Lysandre, Mairin, and I went down to the field. I saw Y/n petting her Lucario

"Impressive! That is one of the best battling I have seen" Lysandre appraised

"Thanks" Y/n replied

"The Kalos League will start very soon, and I wouldn't miss it" Lysandre said

I saw Lucario  growling at the back. A worker came, and called Lysandre to go check on something.

"That was so cool" Mairin shouted

"Thanks" Y/n returned Lucario

"You beat that Swampert with only one hit, and the Salamence almost defeated you, but Lucario knows dragon pulse and beat him first" Mairin continued to blab

"That truly was an amazing fight. You are gonna be a tough opponent to beat" I complimented

I'm not sure if it was my imagination, but I saw her blush a bit. She tuck a stray hair behind her ear. "Thanks. That's coming a lot from you"

"You're the one who beats me every time we battle. And you took down the legendary pokemon in Hoenn" I nudged her

"You and Steven helped beat them"

"It was mostly you"

"Still" She nudged me back, and I felt my cheeks heat up.

Lysandre came back. "So, where do you guys plan to go? The Kalos League will be held here in Lumiose City" He asked

"Let's go say hi to the professor" Mairin suggested

"Thanks for the help. We'll just stay at Lumiose for the meantime" Y/n bowed

"No need for such formalities. You can visit anytime" Lysandre said

We left the place. I didn't want to go see Prof. Sycamore, so I made a lame excuse.

"I'll just go to the Pokemon Center to heal my pokemon"

"Ok. Let's go Y/N" Mairin chirped

We went our separate ways.

Lysandre's P.O.V

I watched the surveillance footage. It showed Chespie entering a room, but the camera in the room does not show Chespie.

"Strange" I muttered

I pressed another camera, it showed Absol, Chespie, and Metagross outside with a flashdrive.

"Y/n, you're a sneaky one"

Team Flare should stay low for a while. I closed and the videos, and went back to my office. 

Author's Note:

Ooh... The plan pushed through. What are the green glowing things? The Kalos league will be coming up soon, so expect some filler chapters. Lysandre caught you. What will happen next?

This was more of a filler chapter, sorry. Long time no see. I haven't updated for almost 5 months. Sorry. I had a big writer's block. Thanks for all my loyal readers, and to the new readers. In that 5 month break, I read the story. I have one question to ask you. Why are you actually reading this? The story is not exactly a straight line, and many grammatical errors. Thanks anyway for reading this story. I deeply appreciate it. I have been writing this story for almost 2 years. Wow. Time just flies. It's my summer break now, so expect more updates. Hopefully.

I'm also writing a new story. It is a Gold x Reader Au. I hope you can check it out when I publish it. I'm also planning to make a Song One-shot book. So tell me which pokemon character you want it to be, and which song. I'm in love with the pic above.

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