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Your P.O.V

"We're here!" Mairin shouted because we finally reached Prof. Sycamore's lab

I knocked on the door, "Hello! Anyone here?"

I opened the doors, and Mairin and I went in. We looked around, but we didn't see anyone. Mairin went to play with the pokemon in the lab, and I continued looking around. I went to one of the computers, and I saw a note attached to it. I read the note.

"I am currently in Anistar City doing some research.  I will be back in a few weeks. Please come again later,

- Prof. Sycamore"

"Mairin, the professor is not here. I think we should just go to Alain to the pokemon center," I said.

"Awwwww....But, can I just play with the pokemon a little longer," she whined.


I looked for the other Garchomp, but I couldn't find him.

"Garchomp must be with Prof. Sycamore," I thought

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard someone's stomach grumble. I looked at Mairin.

"Heh. I think with all the playing made me hungry," Mairin rubbed her stomach.

I looked at the clock at it's already noon. I didn't realize how early we went to Lysandre's office, and that the battling took almost the whole morning.

"Let's go to the Pokemon Center," I said

"Ok. Bye guys. Come on Chespie," Mairin replied

We first went to the north Pokemon Center, but Alain wasn't there. So, we went to the Pokemon Center at the middle of the city, but he wasn't there either. We went to the Pokemon Center at the south, but he wasn't there.

"What? Where could he be?" Mairin complained

"I don't know. Maybe he went back to Lysandre's headquartes or he had a mission," I suggested.

"Ughh..I'm so tired of walking, and it's making me more hungry"

"I think we should just..." I got interrupted by a loud flamethrower

We both looked at the source of the flamethrower.

"Or maybe he's battling someone" Mairin said

I face palmed, "I think he's battling at the Pokemon Center in the middle of the city. We should've also checked the battlefield, if he was there."

Mairin and I both laughed. We walked all the way back to the Pokemon Center. We went straight to the battlefield, and we saw Alain battling a bug catcher who had a mega Beedrill.

"Typical Alain" Mairin snickered

There were a lot of people watching his battle, and many trainers eager to battle his mega charizard.

"I think we should eat ahead. He's still busy," I suggested

"Sure. Chespie and I are really hungry," Mairin said.

We ate lunch at the cafe across the pokemon center. 

"We should go to the Lumiose Galette store. I heard the food there is very good. We can buy some desserts there," I suggested

"That sounds  delicious," Mairin chirped

We walked all the way north, and bought dozens of lumiose galettes. The lady was so nice she gave us moomoo milk for free.

After we bought the galettes, we went back to the Pokemon Center to check on Alain. He was battling another trainer who had a mega Steelix. We went back in the pokemon center.

"Let's go feed our pokemon the lumiose galettes we bought," Mairin suggested

We released all of our pokemon, and fed them the lumiose galettes and the moomoo milk. They gobbled up all the food very quick. Mairin and I began grooming our pokemon.

"I am done. I will go check on Alain. Come on Chespie, snover and flabebe" Mairin said as she left.

I was grooming my last pokemon, metagross.

"So, did you find anything?"

Metagross beeped, and teleported away. It came back and handed me my flashdrive.

"Thank you so much metagross and absol," I petted both of their heads

"I should probably check on it" I muttered to myself

I returned all my pokemon back, and handed them to Nurse Joy, so she can heal them. While waiting for them to be fully healed, I went to the left side of the pokemon center and it had a bunch of computers (the same scene where sawyer was talking down notes from the computer in the anime) I plugged in the flashdrive, and it had many files in it. I clicked each file, and there were bunch of videos about different experiments. There was a video clip of a green thing that looked oddly familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. There were footages of plants with really long roots. Files about the legendary pokemon of kalos.

"I should show this to Prof. Sycamore...... But, he's not here right now" I muttered to myself

"Aha! I will send it to Steven." I sent all the files to Steven

I closed everything and unplugged the flashdrive. I claimed my pokemon back and sat at a nearby chair. I decided to call him because I think this is urgent. I took out the pokenav from by bag and called him. It kept ringing, until he finally answered it.

"Hello?" He sounded tired

"Oh my Arceus. I'm so sorry for waking you up," I forgot about the time difference between Hoenn and Kalos

"Y/n? It's ok. I was still researching on mega stones before you called. Is anything wrong?"

"Not exactly. Today, I was able to gather more info about the super weapon. But, that's the only thing I found. I found files on different experiments, and I think the legendary pokemon of kalos are involved. I also ready sent you all the files"

"Interesting. How were you able to get this much info?" (when you were talking he was checking out the files in his computer) 

"It wasn't me actually. It was my pokemon. I asked Lysandre if I could battle the trainers Alain battled. Like the battle you had with Alain not so long ago. When I was battling, Lysandre called up all of his scientists to gather data on my battle. It gave my pokemon time to snoop around"

"That's a very bold move for you, Y/n"

"I had to do something"

"Well, I think what you did is very risky, but you got much needed info. You should be more careful"

"I know"

"Also, you...Lysandre...avoid.....danger....Alain..." The signal is getting bad, and I couldn't understand what he's saying

"Steven? I can't understand you. Can you please repeat it?"

"I said you sh_ul_ be _ar_fu_ _round Lysandre. Y_u s_ou_d avoid __t_ractin_ in a_y of his e_per_men_s o_ _is_io_s be_ause it might l_ad _ou to dang_r. _nclud_ng Alain" I still couldn't understand

"You said I should be careful around Lysandre. I should avoid interacting in any of his experiments or missions because it might lead me to danger. Including Alain. Steven?" The signal got cut

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I jumped a little bit, and looked back.

"Alain?!" I saw there was confusion and anger in his face.


Oh no. Alain caught you talking to Steven. But did he catch you saying all the stuff about the files or about Steven telling you to avoid Alain. Ouch. That must hurt. What will happen next?

I'm back so soon. I promised to update more often. And I'm really trying my best. It's so much harder to find new pics of Alain. Thank you for all my readers who continue reading my story and is so patient with the slow updates. Thanks so much.

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