Chapter 23

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"Jesus, Nikki, you look like shit."

Despite the insult, Caroline has a wide grin on her face, and her eyes shine with thinly veiled mirth.

"I thought vacations were supposed to be restful. Guess Shay didn't let you sleep much."

The implication is clear, and I can feel my eye twitching with agitation. Scowling, I attempt to shut the door of my apartment on my exasperating friend, but she scrambles to block the frame with her foot.

"Oh, come on!" She laughs, unperturbed by my rudeness and she re-opens the door and welcomes herself inside. "I'm just joking."

"Whatever." I sigh, and motion her into the living room.

Truth be told, Caroline is right. I do look like shit. Though physically healed and having been given the official clear to return to my normal, human life, sleep has been a fleeting thing as of late. Some of it stems from playing the catch-up game in school. Missing more than one day in multiple classes has proven a royal pain, and I've spent the last few days sacrificing sleep to work on studying the sections I've missed. Today is the first time all week I've forgone going to the library.

However, school hasn't been the only reason for my restless nights.

After spending three nights sleeping beside Shay, curled against the warmth of her body, returning to the cool sheets of my own bed has been surprisingly difficult. I hadn't been expecting the loneliness that consumed me after leaving the protective net of comfort woven by my mentor. Even my cats offered little solace. Stupid werewolf codependency.

Needless to say, I deny this fact most ardently in the face of Caroline's teasing smile.

"Remind me to never miss school again." I grumble as I plop down onto the couch, already pulling my laptop back into my lap to continue with the study marathon. "It's not worth getting behind."

Caroline heaves a sigh, and settles down next to me, resting her head on my shoulder. It's the first time we've seen one another since I returned from the Catskills. Our only prior interaction has been via text message. Her presence is soothing.

"Well, at least you had fun, right? You ended up staying longer than expected."

I bite my lip, mulling over the lies I've been practicing in my head for days now.

"Yeah, it was fun. The mountains and the cabin were beautiful." I try not to picture the wreckage; shattered wood, broken glass, and so, so much last view of Marian and Kendra's vacation home. I close my eyes against the sadness, and shut my laptop, no longer able to focus.

"Yeah? And what about Miss. Kerrigan?"

This is something I don't have to lie about, thankfully. Blushing slightly, I offer my friend a weary smile. "Shay was great."

Caroline lights up. "Oh, great how? Please tell me you mean great in bed."

I roll my eyes, and playfully swat my friend's knee. Should have seen that reaction coming. "No. No sexy times were had...but we did share a bed."

"Omg, are you serious?" Caroline whoops, gripping me by both shoulders and shaking me. "You must have the self-control of a saint, because even I would try experimenting if I shared a bed with Miss Kerrigan. Please tell me you at least kissed her?"

My face heats, and I try to ignore the way my heart pounds at the prospect of pressing my lips to Shay's. It's not an unpleasant fantasy. Would she be a good kisser? Probably. "No, no kissing." I sigh, trying to ignore the nervous, giddy feeling in my stomach. Gross.

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