455 17 2

present day

Ashton didn't kiss Kaylee back at first, he was too shocked. The only other girl he had ever kissed was Stevie and he was kind of out of practice. Kaylee tangled her fingers in Ashton's mess of blonde hair while her other hand slid underneath his t-shirt, her touch cold against his warm skin. She swiped her tongue along his bottom lip, trying to deepen the kiss and elicit a reaction from the attractive stranger. Ashton parted his lips and her tongue explored his mouth as he finally kissed her back. Ashton pulled the girl closer, his hands against the bare skin of her waist, so that there was now no space between them. She was clearly in control as she moved her lips to kiss along his jaw and then neck. He leaned his head back against the brick wall, giving her better access. Ashton moaned at the touch, not having experienced it in quite some time. 

"Let's get out of here. Your place or mine?" she murmured, still placing kisses on his neck.

Ashton tried to think clearly, but it was difficult with his inhibitions lessened from the alcohol coursing through his veins. He pushed Kaylee away gently. 

"You can't tell me that you don't want to do this," she smirked, tugging at his shirt. 

"Fuck it," Ashton swore under his breath. "Lead the way," he said louder, clutching onto Kaylee's hand. 

As soon as the pair walked through Kaylee's apartment door, Ashton had her pinned up against the wall, his hands touching every inch of the girl's body.

"Bedroom," Ashton breathed out and the mysterious girl dragged him through the dark hallway into a bedroom. She pulled his shirt off, discarding it onto the floor, before pushing him down onto the bed.  She crawled on top of him, her legs on either side. She ground her hips against his middle, causing him to let out a groan. Kaylee removed her own top, revealing that she was not wearing a bra. Ashton took in the sight of her bare torso before cupping her breasts. She threw her head back, enjoying his hands on her. 

Ashton couldn't take it anymore and struggled with the button of her shorts and pulling them down her slim legs. He then struggled with his own pants and flipped them over so he was above her, wanting to be in control. He slid down her underwear as she sank into the sheets of her bed. He entered her without warning, needing release. She screamed out in a mixure of pain and pleasure as Ashton began to thrust in and out. They both reached their climaxes soon after, breathing heavily as they lied beside each other in a mess of sheets. 

"You can stay if you want," Kaylee whispered, sounding nervous about even suggesting this. Ashton wanted this to just be a one night stand, but he was beginning to like Kaylee. He wasn't sure if he was trying to convince himself of this in order to get over Stevie or because it was actually true. 

Ashton nodded, not having the energy to even go anywhere. They snuggled into the duvet, Ashton pulling Kaylee, who was practically a stranger to him, close to his side. Both Kaylee and Ashton fell asleep soon after, content with just holding each other. 


Ashton woke up to find himself naked and in a room that he didn't recognize, alone. He rubbed his eyes and stretched, hoping that would wake him up. His head was pounding from his hangover as he got up to find his jeans with his phone in the pocket. 9:47 was the time when he checked it. Ashton groaned, remembering that he needed to be at work by 11 and he wasn't even sure where he was. He walked around the room finding his clothes and put them on piece by piece. Right before he was about to leave, he found a note on the dresser. 

Hey, I went out for my morning run. sorry to leave you, i had fun last night xx Kaylee

Ashton rubbed his temples as he tried to remember the events of last night. He remembered the gorgeous blonde and her taking him back to her place, but not much else. He called a cab and waited outside on the curb for it to come. 

"Where the hell were you last night?" Ashton's mom yelled upon his entrance into his house. 

"Out," he groaned, walking to the stairs. He didn't understand why his mom cared so much where he went, he wasn't a boy anymore and Lauren and Harry were old enough to take care of themselves. 

His mom didn't protest anymore and he was glad. He went into the bathroom to take a quick shower before he got ready for work. The rest of the day his thoughts consumed of whether or not he would see Kaylee again, not drifting to thoughts of Stevie once.

sorry this is short, but please vote and comment(: xx zoe 

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