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It had been over a year since Ashton told Stevie that she had to learn to be alone before he could be with her. The two had barely spoken over those twelve months, but Ashton was beginning to miss her. He was beginning to think that he had been too hard on her.

"Mate, what's up with you lately?" Luke asked as they played video games in his living room. He had noticed that his friend wasn't acting his normal, goofy self lately.

"I don't know," he sighed. "I miss her."

"Ashton," Luke said, pausing the game which was something they rarely did.

"Dude! Why did you pause the game?" Ashton said, raising his voice.

"You have a serious problem. It's been over a year since you left her. You've been so good without her."

"You're just saying that because I can devote all my time to you," he countered. He missed treating Stevie like the only girl in world and spending his days with her. He liked spending time with Luke too, he was his best friend after all, but it just wasn't the same as being with her.

"I'm really not. Stevie stressed you out and she hurt you, really bad."

"But if you love someone, shouldn't you be able to forgive their mistakes?" Ashton set down his controller on the couch next to him, deciding that he wasn't in the mood to play games anymore.

Luke groaned, frustrated that Ashton wouldn't give up on this girl. "Are you gonna go see her?" he asked, setting down his controller as well.

"I don't know," he shrugged. "I have to work in a little bit, so I can't today."

"Just think about it a bit more, ok?" Luke advised.


"Ashton? Will you work the register for me?" Edith called to the boy that was washing dishes in the back.

He sighed, but knew he would do much better than Edith at taking orders. He finished the tray he was washing and rinsed off his hands before making his way to the front. There was no line, so Ashton straightened the food in the display.

"Excuse me?"

Ashton's ears pricked at the voice, recognizing it instantly. He pulled his head out of the display and tried to act calmly as he moved the short distance to the register.

"H-hi," he started, avoiding Stevie's gaze. "What can I get you?"

"Iced chai please," she said sweetly, trying to meet his eyes.

Ashton took the money for her drink and handed her the change. "We'll have that at the end for you," he said quietly.

"Ok, but Ash?"

He wished there was a line so he couldn't talk to her, but of course the coffee shop was dead. He wanted to talk to her, yet he was not prepared like he wanted to be.

"Yeah?" he finally asked.

"Do you think we could talk after your shift?"

"Ok," he said, knowing in his heart that he wanted that.

"Great. I'm gonna go sit at a table outside. Meet me when you're done?" Ashton nodded in response and Stevie went to retrieve her drink from the end of the counter.

Forty-five minutes later, Ashton untied his apron and clocked out. He made himself an iced coffee before going to meet Stevie outside. She was sitting at a table right outside the door with headphones in and her eyes closed. He thought she was beautiful and wished he didn't have to disturb her. After a few moments of admiration, Ashton gently tapped her shoulder.

"Oh!" She opened her eyes and pulled out her headphones. "How are you?" she asked as he sat down across from her.

"Pretty good. What did you want to talk about?" He ask after taking a sip of his coffee.

"I miss you," she said. "I know last year I didn't understand what you meant by I had to learn to be alone. I've learned a lot about myself and you probably know I didn't get kicked off the gymnastics team since I won nationals."

"You were the talk of the school," he smiled. "I wanted to congratulate you but it didn't feel right since we hadn't talked for so long."

"Well thanks," she smiled back. "How are Harry and Lauren?"

"They're good. Harry's started football and is really liking it."

There was a long silence between them, but it was surprisingly not uncomfortable. Finally, Ashton said, "I've actually been wanting to talk to you too."

"Yeah? About what?" Stevie tried to hold in her excitement but was doing poorly.

Ashton chuckled. "I miss you too. I miss just talking to you and holding you in my arms. I never stopped loving you."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"I want to get back together, but we need to take it slow. I don't want to get hurt again like before," he told her honestly.

"And I don't want to hurt you. I still feel horrible," she frowned.

"Don't, ok? I forgive you as long as you prove to me you won't do it again. And to kick off our getting back together, I'm going to take you out."

"I'd like that," she smiled.

The pair stood up and Ashton pulled her into his arms. The familiar feeling made his heart start to race. He placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I wish I could stay longer but mom is working late tonight and I have to make dinner for the kids," he said even though he was a kid. "But I can walk you home."

"Ok," Stevie nodded and slipped her hand into his.

sorry for the long wait. I've been having some health issues and haven't felt like writing because of it. please vote and comment. xx zoe

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