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present day

Ashton had been looking forward to his date with Kaylee for the past two weeks. He had found out that one of his favorite bands, the 1975, were coming to town and he bought tickets for them to go. Kaylee had eagerly accepted his invitation, claiming that she "loved Matt Healy."

He stood in front of his mirror, trying to decide on an outfit. He felt as though he hadn't really ever done this when he was with Stevie. He didn't try to impress her with his style, more with his actions. He ended up in black everything - black skinny jeans, black tank, and black shoes. He stood in front of the mirror and decided he needed some color so he pulled his favorite green beanie over his untamable hair.

"Where are you going?" Lauren asked as he bounded down the stair case. She was sitting in the kitchen, nibbling on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"A date," he said confidently. He had been having trouble convincing himself that he was actually going on a date. For so long he had been preoccupied with Stevie, convincing himself that she was going to come back to him.

"Really, Ash?" she raised her eyebrows and set her sandwich down onto her paper plate.

"Yeah," he nodded. "I think it's finally time I get over Stevie."

"That's great! When can I meet her?" she asked excitedly. Lauren had been worried about her brother for awhile, sure that he was never going to get over his ex-girlfriend.

Ashton laughed. "It's only the first date."

"Well, when you're ready I want to meet her."

"Sure thing, sis," he smiled before walking out of the kitchen and to his car. He picked up Kaylee at her apartment (she had given him the address since he couldn't remember where it was). She walked out of her apartment building dressed in light-wash high waisted jeans that showed off her toned legs paired with a cropped sweater. She looked stunning in Ashton's eyes with her effortless beauty.

"Hey," she smiled, climbing into the passenger seat.

"Hi," he said back, feeling shy and self-conscious all of a sudden.

Ashton drove in silence until they reached the venue. He had some trouble finding parking since they were arriving so close to starting time.

"Are you excited?" he asked Kaylee as they stood up on the balcony, not wanting to be squished in the pit. Ashton leaned over the bar on his elbows, his gaze up to the left at his date.

"Yeah," she giggled. "I can't believe this is our first date."

The night went on, with Ashton and Kaylee standing side by side and moving to the beat of the music. Toward the end of the concert, Kaylee moved so that Ashton could wrap his arms around her waist and hold her close. He loved the smell of her hair, a mixture of vanilla and coconut. He placed a kiss near her ear as the band played their last notes. Kayle turned in Ashton's arms and pressed a kiss to his lips, electricity igniting when they touched.

"You hungry?" Ashton asked as they walked outside into the cool night air, loosely holding hands.

"A little," she shrugged.

"I think the only place that'll be open is McDonald's," he said, thinking that she wouldn't want to go there.

"Sounds perfect," she smiled, shocking him.

Ashton drove the short distance to McDonald's and placed their order through the drive thru. He parked under a street lamp in the parking lot. Ashton got out of the car and walked to the other side, pulling Kaylee out as well. He brought her to the hood and they climbed up.

"I feel like I barely know you, but at the same time I feel like I've known you for a long time," Ashton mused as he bit into his cheeseburger.

"I was thinking the same thing. Let's get to know each other for real then. Twenty questions?" she suggested. Ashton nodded and motioned for her to start. "Alright, how old were you when you lost your virginity?" she asked, starting off with an intimate question.

"16," Ashton blushed. "You?"

"19. I was actually a poster child until university," she laughed. "Um, how do you really know Stevie?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, knitting his eyebrows togeher in confusion. "We met in school."

"Let me rephrase it then because I could tell you were holding something back. What's your history with Stevie?" Kaylee was hesitant to ask, but she felt that she had a right to know.

Ashton sighed, feeling that she would find out eventually and he hated keeping secrets. "She's my ex," he said after a few moments of tension filled silence. "We were together for about four years and then she broke if off when she left for university. She was my first everything."

"Wow," Kaylee breathed out.

"How does it feel to be the maid of honor?"

"Huh? Oh, right. It's your turn to ask a question. And I'm not the maid of honor, just a bridesmaid. Stevie's sister Bailey is the maid of honor."

"Oh, I completely forgot she had a sister! How old is she now? Like high school age?"

"I'm pretty sure she just graduated," Kaylee nodded. "But being a bridesmaid is alright," she shrugged. "Do you still love Stevie?"

"Why all the questions about her? These aren't even really about me," he said, trying to steer the conversation away from this topic.

"I'm sorry. I just feel like you guys had this connection the other day and it's all I could think about. I just don't want to get into something and have the other person not take it as seriously."

Ashton put down his container of fries that he had been munching on and looked into Kaylee's eyes. "Trust me, my thoughts and feelings have been consumed by you for the past few weeks. I want to take this seriously, ok?" He leaned in and the pair shared a kiss filled with passion and lust.

hi, hope you're all doing well. please vote and comment xx zoe

(i know his beanie in the picture isn't green but i wanted him wearing his green beanie with that outfit)

leave him // a.i {au}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt