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After leaving Stevie's, Kaylee sat in her car for over a half hour until she felt she could drive safely. She didn't want to get in the same situation as Ashton. She drove aimlessly, not yet wanting to go back to her empty apartment. She had become so accustomed to having Ash there, him sleeping over more days than not.

She ended up at her mother's house, a place that she hadn't been to in a few years. It wasn't that she had a bad relationship with her mom, it was more that she wanted to be independent and her mom wanted her to have that. Then after a few years at university, they began to talk less and less. This turned into not seeing each other on holidays or much of each other at all despite their proximity.

Kaylee stepped out of her car and walked nervously up to the front door. She knocked, not feeling this as her home anymore and could walk in whenever.

"Kaylee?" A look of surprise and worry crossed her mom's face, but she instantly pulled her daughter in for a hug. "Why are you here, darling?" she asked, but then shook her head. "Never mind that. Come in, come in." She grabbed Kaylee's hand and pulled her into the small house.

The two walked into the kitchen and Kaylee took a seat at the counter. She anxiously picked at her cuticles, not sure what to say.

"Tea? I just made some," the woman said, pulling out two mugs from the cupboard. Kaylee nods, realizing that her mother still knows what she likes after all these years.

"Thanks," she mumbled, bringing the mug to her lips and loving the warmth. It comforted her in this time of pain and brings a short moment of peace.

Her mother takes a seat next to her in one of the stools and examines her. "What's wrong, sweetheart? You seem upset," she said gently, not wanting to make her more upset.

"I've messed up. Big time," she shook her head, wondering where to begin. "I never should have dated Ashton."

"Ashton? I didn't know you had a boyfriend." Her mom sounds intrigued, but doesn't push anymore.

"We weren't together very long, but I only sought him out to get back at Stevie. Now, she knows that I was using him, even though I really do love him. And he's also in a coma," Kaylee finished, bringing back the surprised expression on her mom's face.

"Have you visited him?"

"No. I don't want to intrude and if he ever finds out I was using him..." Kaylee didn't want to think about it because he might not even wake up.

"I think you should." Her mom rubbed her back and Kaylee put her head on her shoulder.

"Will you drive me?" Kaylee was now crying, not being able to hold in it any longer.

"Of course."


Stevie was sitting in an uncomfortable folding chair next to Ashton's hospital bed. He looked beautiful even now, as if he was just sleeping and would wake up any moment.

"I'm sorry," she said, placing her hand on his. "Why did I ever leave you? You were the best thing that ever happened to me." Stevie put her head down, resting her forehead on their touching hands. "Why didn't I listen to you? Now everything is a mess and you're in a coma."

Stevie didn't know why she was talking to him, but remembered she heard somewhere that coma patients could hear people. She just wished that he would respond.

After awhile, there was a knock at the door. Stevie was expecting a nurse or someone from Ashton's family, but it was Kaylee.

"What are you doing here?" Stevie narrowed her eyes at her ex best friend.

"I have every right to visit him. He's my boyfriend," Kaylee reasoned.

"No, you don't. Using him this whole time doesn't give you any right." Stevie jabbed her index finger into Kaylee's chest, trying to intimidate her.

"Come on, Stevie. We're best friends. I know I messed up, but I really didn't mean to hurt Ashton. I do love him, a lot. And with the whole Aaron and Bailey mess, I had nothing to do with it. I was trying to help you that whole time after I found out he was a cheating asshole. I never wanted to hurt you with that. I just wanted you to feel what I felt when you claimed Aaron for yourself."

"Whatever," Stevie shook her head, still feeling betrayed and heart broken. "I need some air." She walked out of the room, leaving Kaylee with Ashton.

Kaylee walked cautiously over to the bed and looked down at his stiff body. He looked like himself yet didn't, Kaylee couldn't place it. Maybe it was the emptiness he was emitting, being in a seemingly endless sleep.

She intertwined their fingers, but it's not the same. His hand is cold where it used to be warm and limp where it used to hold on tight. "I love you," she whispered, tears falling down her cheeks.

Then, something happened she wasn't prepared for. Ashton opened his eyes, slowly and blinking often. The words she feared came out of his mouth, causing her to be speechless.

"Who are you?"

I hope everyone has a good rest of the week. please vote/comment, thanks. xx zoe

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