28. Be The One

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Be The One - Dia Lupa

Saturday evening at six o'clock, Zari drove by Grillenium Falcon, and her heart skipped. People lined the sidewalk halfway down the block. Were they all here to see her? She turned down the alley and parked near the back door. This was insane. Never in her wildest imagination was this possible.

She took a deep breath and gathered her thoughts. Earlier, she'd faxed the contract Dale had drafted to Matthew, and he'd given his blessing. So, with signed and notarized papers in hand, she got out of the car, headed inside, and found Jerry waiting.

He grabbed Zari's arm, pulled her forward, and closed the door behind him. "Zari! I have to warn you. There are cameras and newsmen set up in the bar. Girl, you are an overnight sensation. Phone calls have come in all day, and I've been acting as your agent. You have six offers on the table for interviews at radio stations as far away as Huntsville, and a local request from KDAF-TV. We have at least a dozen inquiries for private parties. I won't be surprised to hear from major markets in the next few days. Are you up for all of this?"

She dropped her duffle and purse, leaned against the stainless-steel counter to steady herself, and pointed. "All those people are here to see me?"

"They sure are. I need to know what to tell them. If you don't want to do three performances, I'll break the news that they'll have to come back next Thursday. Unless—you want to schedule more nights."

She swallowed hard and placed a hand on her chest. "I can't breathe. I need a drink of water."

Jerry scurried away, talking over his shoulder. "Water. Yeah, water. I'll get it. So, what do you think? Add another set or send them away?" He filled a glass and rushed back to Zari.

She gulped, then squared her shoulders. Her head spun. If she moved the first show to seven, the second one to eight, and added a third at nine, she could still be home when Gabriel got there. Explaining the plan to Jerry, Zari noted a concern. "You'll have to run people out between shows in order to bring in the next group. What if they don't want to leave?"

"Already working on that. We have a crew setting up rental tables and chairs on the back porch. Those who want to stay and drink can move. I don't expect many to take us up on the offer because the fire pit out there won't provide much heat. Next week, we can get a carpenter to enclose it."

Zari staggered to a stool, sat, and finished off her water. "I'm not sure you should invest in that. This is probably just a one-time thing. A novelty. As soon as the new wears off, the crowds will stop."

Jerry took the glass and refilled it, then brought it back to Zari. "I don't think so. Too many people are showing an interest. Not just in the performance here, but someone at the hospital recorded you with the kids. That video is getting a lot of views and comments. As soon as they find out your story, you know, your memory loss, I think interest will build even more."

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