27. Give Your Heart a Break

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Give Your Heart a Break - Demi Lovato

Zari sat on the edge of the spare rooms bed and spread the money out before her. She couldn't believe her good fortune. Four hundred and sixteen bucks for doing something she loved! If this kept up, she would never have to go back to Dallas, whether she got her memory back or not. The thought of her secretarial job made her stomach hurt. Even if she didn't remember her past, sitting behind a desk all day sounded like torture. Which made her wonder again why she'd taken the job? Maybe to be close to her family? Or, perhaps she'd been right all along, she wasn't good at anything and he'd hired her out of pity.

This amnesia crap had gone on long enough. She'd been patient and not asked questions as the doctors had ordered, and a few memories had come back. But it wasn't working as quickly as she'd like. She needed to know who she was. Really was.

And what Gabriel felt. Not once since she regained consciousness had he told her how he felt about her.

Until tonight, she'd not given that much thought. But seeing so many couples together, and singing songs about how she'd been cheated on, caused her to consider things she'd taken for granted. There couldn't be a man more kind or thoughtful—or patient. And there had been moments of intimacy. Hand holding. Sweet kisses. Gentle caresses. But thinking back, he'd never really expressed his feelings.

Sure, the no sex rule had kept him from starting anything physical, but that shouldn't have prevented him saying he loved her—if he did.

Oh, God. Maybe everything he'd done had been out of pity, too. No. She was overthinking the situation. Why plan to propose if he didn't love her? But to be sure, when he came home, she'd ask. She might not remember their life together, but she knew him well enough to know he wouldn't lie.

She put the cash away and traipsed into the bathroom, filled the tub, then settled into the hot water. Her bones warmed, and her muscles eased. All the useless speculation had her tense with worry. Why borrow trouble? Her life was perfect, and she kept trying to find something wrong.

The songs. It was the stupid songs. They were a clear reflection of her past, and it had not been good. Especially in the relationship department. That was the problem. She'd finally found a good one, and yet doubt kept trying to screw up things.

She stood and wrapped a towel around her body and tucked the corner in between her breasts. What she needed to do was write some positive love songs. There were still plenty of notebooks she'd not gone through, she was bound to already have some. Even if previous lovers had turned out to be jerks, in the beginning, she must have been smitten enough to pen a mushy song.

She dried off, then hung the damp towel over the shower rod. Along with the sheets Jerry had brought, he'd included a pair of pajamas. Zari slipped into them. Crawling into bed, she checked her phone. Two texts. Both from Gabriel.

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