22. Love Drunk

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Love Drunk - Boys Like Girls

It didn't take Gabriel long to decide on a sofa. Brown. Leather. Straight arms. Square legs. Zari had not been excited about the choice, but he figured he couldn't go wrong with something basic. And the chance at getting a dog probably kept her from voicing too much opposition.

After arranging for the furniture delivery, he'd taken her to Marco's for pizza, and later let her choose the movie. A chick flick. No surprise there. Growing up, anytime he took part in movie night, Mom and Silbie always out voted him when Elena wasn't present. Some of those sappy romances he'd seen so many times, he had dialogue memorized.

Like every other female in his life, Zari had cried, sighed, and swooned at all the cheesy parts. Couldn't fault her for that. He liked a happy ending as much as she did, but couldn't help but wonder if the cards held an HEA for her—and him.

Shaking the thought from his brain, he turned his attention to the shelter worker giving Zari his best sales pitch.

"You can tell by the floppy ears, he's part hound. Maybe coon or basset. No way to know for sure."

While she stroked the mutt's head, he'd buried his nose against her chest like he belonged there. Gabriel knew the feeling. That particular spot felt like—heaven.

She blinked her big eyes at him and tried not to look like she had her heart set on the animal, but Gabriel knew better. "What do you think?"

Probably shouldn't let her know what a pushover he was. "You've only been down half the rows. Maybe you ought to see all they have to offer before you decide."

Still trying to close the deal, the worker chimed in, "I don't want to pressure you, but if this dog isn't adopted by the end of the week—well, a decision will have to be made."

Zari gasped and clutched the floppy-eared baby tighter. "Oh, no. You don't mean..."

Gabriel almost laughed. Well known among locals, Grapevine Shelter had a no-kill policy. If a dog couldn't be placed in a certain amount of time, they were shipped out to New York. For some crazy reason, the Big Apple suffered a pet shortage.

The guy must have seen Gabriel's bullshit radar because he moved to the next point.

"Did I mention he's already house broken?"

Zari faced Gabriel again. "Did you hear that? We won't even have to train him?"

The amazement in her eyes took him right back to the night he'd rescued her, and how she'd been more concerned about an animal than her own welfare. He'd never met a girl more kind-hearted. Gabriel reached out to scratch the puppy's ears, and the mongrel growled. Damn. The thing had already bonded with her.

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