3. Don't Try This At Home

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Don't Try This At Home - Moahni Moahna

Into The Ocean - Blue October

As darkness gave way to light, a haze settled over Zari, and her head buzzed like a fluorescent bulb. She blinked to bring things into focus. Where was she? Lights flashed. Somewhere in the distance, an organ played a catchy tune. She took a breath, sweet and salty aromas competing for her attention.

To the right and left, voices echoed, but she couldn't make out what they were saying. She cupped her ear. Coins jingled. Balloons popped. Bells rang.

Wind swirled at her feet, propelling her forward down a mysterious walkway. On either side, men barking invitations stood in booths outlined in green lights.

A tall, lanky cowboy tipped his hat, spit, then addressed Zari. "Step right up. Put the basketball in the hoop and win a bottle of water."

Across the aisle, a young kid wearing a red vest drew her attention. He held up a dart. "Bust three balloons and win a candy bar."

She floated to the boy. She'd really like to win that candy but when she reached for the dart, a sharp pain shot up her arm. Something was wrong. Her fingers wouldn't move.

She should go home, but where was her car? Scanning the area, she saw nothing but darkness. Panic rushed up her spine. She turned one way and then the other.

"Ma'am? You're going to feel a little stick," a strange voice said.

Zari looked back to find the kid and cowboy, but they were gone. In their place, Bill and Hillary Clinton urged Zari to come closer.

"Knock down three bottles and win a stuffed Scooby-doo," Hillary said. Bill winked. Zari shook her head. No need trying to throw a baseball since she couldn't hold a dart. No, she needed to find her VW and get out of here.

"Ma'am, can you open your eyes?"

Who was this guy? And why did he want her to open her eyes? They were open. If not, then she couldn't see the striped tent at the end of the corridor. Or the sign. Madam Minerva, magical, mystical, medium.

Just what Zari needed. A fortune teller could locate the car. But before she headed that way, someone shouted. She turned toward the sound. A baby deer stood in the middle of the walkway as a giant yellow bowling ball hurled toward it.

With pure determination, Zari ran for the animal, scooped the fawn into her arms and lunged to safety. The baby doe, lying in the dirt, wriggled free and scurried away. Zari sputtered to clear her mouth of grit and looked up at an outstretched hand. She grabbed onto it, lifted her head to stare into Cher's eyes, and everything went black again.

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