19. She Will Love You

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She Will Love You - Aiden

Gabriel didn't know what had come over Zari, but something definitely different. She'd been like a little ray of sunshine from the minute he'd gotten home, chattering nonstop about spending the day with her god-dad, conversations she'd had with the car salesmen, and how she'd worn a scarf to camouflage the fact she wasn't wearing a bra.

Thank God for that because the thought of people looking at her breasts bouncing beneath the form-fitting red sweater made his chest constrict and his teeth grind. Shouldn't matter. Wasn't like he had a claim to her. But he still didn't like it. That's why he'd remedied the situation before heading to Mom's for dinner.

Once there, and everyone had gotten seated, Zari didn't let up. She'd talked about squirrels she'd seen during her walk. The fresh air, vivid fall leaves, and the friendliness of everyone she'd met so far. Cases in point, dress shop caretaker, Maia, who'd opened Zari an account with no red tape, and Chris, the car salesman pointing out how the color of the vehicle matched her eyes.

Chris sounded a little too friendly, but hey, the guy had a sales quota, and Matthew had been here to make sure this Chris guy didn't see a pretty girl and try and oversell her a shitty lemon. Something Zari clearly didn't care about which led him to believe other than her family, she craved attention. At least from relationships. Further proof of that was the so-called boyfriend, Perry, still MIA. That might have something to do with Gabriel agreeing to everything Matthew had asked of him. Trips to the hospital—reading to her—the one-sided conversations, and then the biggie—taking her home. Yeah, her not having anyone she knew had pulled at his heartstrings. Hell, who was he kidding? The moment he'd pulled her from the car, and she'd asked about the deer, he'd been in her hold.

Yeah, he'd created the problem, and if he continued, it might keep her from recovery. Didn't want to prolong that because the more he was with her, the more he liked her. Even the short time it took fastening her bra got to him. The vision of her leaning forward to let those soft mounds fill the lace cups had his heart thundering.

Come to think of it, she'd been different then, too. No flirting or teasing. No sign of seduction. Apparently, she intended to keep her promise by behaving. Still, it didn't take much for Gabriel's imagination to run wild. Twice today, he'd lost his concentration, thinking of her. Not a good thing. Especially when he'd been in the middle of restoring power.

Lina tugged on his pants leg. "Uncle Gabbie, I need one more person for a game. Will you play?"

He squatted to get to her level. "Sure, baby, what are we playing?"

"What am I? You know. You put a picture on your head and try to guess what it is from clues."


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