7. Sorry Not Sorry

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Sorry Not Sorry - Demi Lovato

Lack of confidence had never been a problem for Silbie, but the way she'd talked to Owen surprised her. Sure, she had no problem when she tried out for the roller derby, or ran for class officer, or even turned down dates from boys who didn't interest her. But, Lord have mercy, she'd argued her case with Mr. Wonderful like a lawyer closing a deal.

But why not? Regardless of the age difference and the miles between them, he was here now, and she intended to make the most of it. At least find out if the attraction could be more. And when he'd pointed out she should be enjoying her last year of high school, she'd wanted to fall into his arms. That selfless gesture confirmed what she already knew about him. He wasn't playing her.

Spending time with him might be a problem. School, practice, and Friday night games took up most of her time. And seeing him on weekends would be hard if she had to sneak around to do it.

She turned toward home and battled with the decision. No. She wasn't about to plan secret rendezvous. Besides, in this town, keeping anything hush-hush was a joke. She had nothing to be ashamed of and wasn't about to act as if she did.

Pulling her car into the drive, she killed the engine and squared her shoulders, ready to confront her mother head-on. Mom might disapprove, but unless she wanted to lock Silbie in her room, there wasn't much she could do to prevent her from seeing Owen.

Butterflies fluttering within her chest, she made her way across the yard and onto the porch. But just as she reached for the knob, Gabriel brought his truck to a screeching halt in front of the house. In a flash he was halfway to her, yelling.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Owen Filgard? Too damn old for you."

Silbie seethed, ready to lay into him.

Mom rushed to join them. "What's the commotion about?" First, she eyed Gabriel, then Silbie, then back to him. "Why are you yelling?"

He locked eyes with his sister. "Tell her. Tell her about the man you're sneaking around to see."

Was he seriously tailing her as if she were a common criminal? The thought made her grit her teeth, fueling her anger with wildfire. Silbie stepped past her mother, then wheeled around to face Gabriel, her nostrils flaring. She tamped down on her anger, if only to show their audience of Mom that she was the level headed one right now. "I hardly call sitting in a public place sneaking."

He stiffened. "Don't start with me. You know what I mean. You shouldn't be in private or public with him."

She jutted out her chin. "You're not the boss of me so butt out of my business." she said in a low voice, silently egging him on. He'd take the bait, too, he always did. Then she could lay into him. He had no business treating her like a little girl incapable of making her own decisions.

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