Chapter 14: Distractions

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I have updated, what a shock! I'm sorry for the wait. This is unedited, so, again, sorry!



Chapter 14: Distractions




So then they were like, 'That's it! You're coming with us!', and they charged at us. We knew that we were outnumbered but we were sure as hell gonna fight the cause!"

"That didn't happen."

"I was kicking and punching and obviously doing my best, but then, in the corner of my eye, I saw one of them grab Bliss, and I knew then, I just had to help. I knocked out the guy I was fighting at the time and screamed 'take your hands off of her!', and I-"


"-I ran over and jumped at the guy who had hold of Bliss, and I fought. Boy, did we fight, but soon there was too many of them and we were over come. At least we can say we went out fighting."

With that, Mason smiles smugly, looks from me to Margery and leans back him his chair, his hands resting on the back of his head.

I roll my eyes.

"Don't believe word he says, that wasn't how it went. After walking around aimlessly in a town that we didn't know for three hours straight, in the early hours of the morning, when The Blanks found us and came to take us in the van, we didn't take much convincing." I tell Margery, who smirks at me and then looks back down at her book.

Pouting at me sulkily, Mason leans forward and flicks my nose.

"Ow!" I rub my nose defensively. "What was that for?"

"You have to ruin all the fun every time." He crosses his arms moodily, I have to suppress the urge to laugh.

"Don't cry about it." I smirk. Mason narrows his eyes into a glare.

"Every. Single. Time." With each word Mason leans closer and closer, until his face and his angry eyes are inches from mine, analysing me.

I give him my widest, cheesiest grin, so big that it aches my cheeks.

"Maybe you shouldn't be a compulsive liar then, Walter."

At that, Mason presses his lips together, obviously holding back a smile. He leans away, picks up his celery and takes a big, crunchy bite.

What's up doc?

Well, actually it's different because Bugs Bunny eats a carrot instead of celery and, you know, he's a rabbit.

"At least I'm not a psychopath." Mason finally says, and I laugh.

"That's a tad rich from where you're standing. And, hey, even The Blanks think I'm getting better, saner, I mean." I give him a victorious smile.

He thinks about it for a second.

"I hope not. I think your insanity is intriguingly charming." He nods proudly at his verdict. "Right, Marg?"

Margery, per usual, pays him no attention.

"Partially-insane." I correct him.

"And all-l-l-l babe." He wiggles his eyebrows at me. I shove him playfully, and try to hide the blush that creeps up onto my cheeks.


The bells signalling the end of lunch goes and The Blanks immediately start ushering us towards our correct wards.

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