Chapter 4: The Bitch And Lies

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Chapter 4: The Bitch And Lies




Elizabeth, will you please sit down."

I completely ignore The Bitch as I explore around her office, looking at trinkets and pulling books out of their shelves.

"'A psychological inlook into the wilful and youthful minds of children.'" I read a title out loud, and look at her scornfully. "I dunno doc, that sounds kind of creepy. An insight into the minds of kids? I mean..."

The Bitch gives me a dead-panned look and signals for me to sit in the chair in front of her desk. Heaving out a hefty sigh, I toss the book over my shoulder and walk over to chair, dragging my feet as I go and then I plop down.

The Bitch looks at me for a long moment, and then she clears her throat.

"So, how are you?" She says in a way that makes her sound like she's asking what the meaning of life is, and not asking how I'm doing.

I give her my sweetest smile.

"Oh, I'm fine. Just dandy. Apart from that fact that I'm in a mental institution, of course." My voice is light and cheerful, and she gives me a disapproving look.

I just grin wider.

"That negative outlook on the situation, is exactly what's holding you back." Her tone is high and 'helpful'.

"Holding me back, from what exactly?" I mimic her facial expression.

"From progression. Your condition is only going to get worse, with this angry attitude. It will never get better."

My condition? Oh, that's rich.

"Oh! Even the notion of it makes me nauseous!" My features feign horror. The Bitch shakes her head.

I can't help the giggle that erupts from my mouth.

The Bitch sighs and readjusts her seated position, she looks at a file on her desk and then back up at me. Her glasses have slid down to mid-bridge of her nose.

"Elizabeth, I have not called you here today to argue," she gives me look when I snort at this comment. "I have called you here to talk about this new friendship of yours."

Oh, I wish I could have taken a picture of her face when she just said that. The expression, of absolute loathing. As if I am the absolute bane to her existence.

As if, she's not the bane to mine

"My friendship with whom, may I ask?" I keep my lips pressed tightly together, so that I don't smile. If I do, she'll definitely chew me out about it.

Chew me out. Hahaha. Ew.

"You're friendship with Mason Matthews." She says bluntly.

Now, I'm genuinely confused. Do I even know a Mason Mathews? I'm positive I don't, much less friends with a Mason Matthews. You see, I've never really got the knack of making friends, so I treasure the few I've got.

AKA, Margery.

"Er, no. Sorry to disappoint you, but that fellow you've just mentioned, never met him." I say promptly, leaning forward to rest my elbows on my knees.

She almost glares at me over her glasses.

"Lying is no way to go, Elizabeth. Of course you have met him. You were sat with him at lunch, just before." She raises her eyebrows expectantly.

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