Chapter 21: Just to remind me

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THE END IS HERE! Yes, this is the final chapter of bliss, sob.
  I'm sorry for the fact that this is unedited and I apologise for what you are about to read ( :,( ) but it had to happen for the sequel, but still, I'm sorry.

Enjoy! But, probably not.


Chapter 21: Just to remind me.



  The duck tape over my lips doesn't prevent me from screaming, but it muffles the screams and still makes my throat raw. I can't see a thing due to the cloth covering my eyes, and my heart is hammering against my chest so fast that I'm worried it might give out.

   Though, the suspense is worst.

     After what felt like being hauled into another van, we drove for God knows how long, it felt like forever, and the we stopped and I was dragged out pushed down on to a chair and tied up.

   It's been about ten minutes since then and nothing has happened.

   They're probably sat there thinking of new, fun and inventive ways to murder me. I just wish they'd get on with it, all this waiting around is going to send me into cardiac arrest.

   I wonder if the police have figured out that I've been taken and those men were killed yet? I doubt it, we're in the middle of no where. Even if the police did find out, by the time they got to scene of the crime, we were long gone.

   Is my mom worrying? Probably not, she's most likely already home by now, watching Desperate Housewives, a glass of wine in her-

    Suddenly, the fabric is torn from my eyes, and the shock paralyses me momentarily. With a gasp, I squeeze my eyes shut, my heartbeat accelerating even more so. I don't want to open my eyes, for fear of what I might see.

   I could end up looking down the barrel of a gun, I could see the sparkle of a knife as the metal passes under the light, I could see the face of my killer grinning down at me in triumph.

   It will only make me more scared than I already am, and I don't want to give him the satisfaction.   

   Is this how Casey was feeling, for all that time? No. I don't think so. He got to Casey a different way, by pretending to care. By whispering little commands in her ear getting her to do things she shouldn't have done. Making her hurt people.

   I never told anyone about that. How my dad used to convince Casey to charm people  to their deaths, like some sort of siren, how he used to get her to deliver things to the families of the victim, looking for ransom. Sometimes she'd deliver a severed finger, sometimes a heart.

   I never told anyone how I used to sit up late at night cradling her while she cried because the guilt was eating her up inside, but she was so scared.

    No, I just let the police, the victims, the families assume that it was all down to my dad. In retrospect, it was.

   When he went away, I assumed things would get better, that she would get better. I -I never though she would-

   Laughter erupts, tearing me out of my train of thought, and causing me to flinch, which only encourages more laughter.

  My blood boils. I can't let him see me like this, I need to be brave. I can't let him see what this is doing to me.

   Gritting my teeth, I open my eyes.

    Again, my eyes try to focus for a few seconds, but I force myself not to squint. I sit up straight, my chin held high and quickly assess my surroundings.

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