Chapter 5: Bonding

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Chapter 5: Bonding




Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. DAMN IT.

What is it?

I hear you whisper a ponder across a lonely lake, watching the ripples shiver and quake.

Well, it is this situation I have unfortunately ended up in. I don't even know how, and although I'm mentally unstable, I'm usually very calm and collected about these things.

Ha, gosh I wouldn't trust me. I lie about quite a few things. It's like second nature to me. I can't help it.

Much like it seems to be the way that Walter- i mean Mason, just can't seem to leave me alone.

In the normal world, you'd think that apparently telling someone to go away would be enough, but maybe not.

And even more so, a glare in looney-bin world is basically the equivalent of promising to go cannibal on their ass, and then feed their future ancestors your leftovers.

Well, that's what it is the equivalent in my mind.

Huh. Maybe that's why I'm in here. I've always wondered really, it's just always been a mystery to me.

I'll let you in on a secret. That was yet again, another lie, of course I know why I'm in here, I'm just not going to tell anyone. I just seem to stop lying! Nope, just can't seem to get things sorted theses days, can I? It's a shame, I wanted to be a secretary.

Bad'um classsshhh. I'm not sure if that made sense. Probably not. Although, not many things do...

Some philosophical advise for ya there. Always happy to help.

Where was I? Oh yeah, I was complaining!

Oh, there's a shocker!

So anyway, here it am in this human circle, that Professor Land (or, 'just call me Dyl,' as he likes to tell us so often), calls the 'Cirle Of Redemption.'

That sounds so life changing and amazing, right? Ha, no. Basically we all have to sit in a circle and talk about our feelings and stuff. And worst yet, today I have to sit here and talk about my feelings in front of Mason Matthews, who seems to have an unreasonable fascination in my life.

Also, the Suicidal's go on for hours.

Seriously it's like, 'no one loves me,' and 'I just don't feel like I belong anywhere,' and 'I was sexually abused by my pet dog.'

Oh, yes. The last one was real.

'Dyl', suddenly comes strolling into the room, a big grin on his face. Per usual. He takes his place in the circle and introduces himself. Like he does, and makes us do, every session.

WE KNOW, WE FREAKIN' KNOW! It's goddamn, Dyl, not Professor Land! Jesus Christ, how many times?

Sorry, I had a little bit of a mental let down there.

It happens quite often. You get used to it. Well, I did, anyway.

Dyl goes around the circle asking everyone to introduce themselves and how they are feeling. He comes to the obviously depressed girl next to me.

She clears her throat sadly.

Yeah, sadly. Oh. My. God. Just kill me now.

"Er, hey. I'm uh, like, yeah. I'm, um, Lacey." Lacy, um, says.

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