Chapter 12: FREEDOM!

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Hey guys, I just wanted to say thankyou to anyone who reads this story, especially if you vote or comment ;) but I'd also like to say a special thankyou to Muses_ for the amazing new cover she made. It's fab.



Chapter 12: FREEDOM!




I look at Mason's mischievously grinning face suspiciously.

"What? Why are you grinning at me like that?"

His grin just widens and he shuffles closer to me on the bench.

"Am I not a genius? Of course I am." He says proudly. I furrow my eyebrows, still confused.

"What are you talking about?"

Mason spreads out his arms as if embracing the love of an adoring audience. I just stare at him blankly.

"I know the perfect anti-depressant for you and me, and maybe Marg if she's up to it." He looks across the table to Margery, she lifts her gaze from her book and looks at Mason with an expression that says 'whatever you're planning on, count me out.'

Well, that settles that then.

"What is this amazing anti-depressant then? Even though, as I keep telling you, I'm not depressed." I'd also like to add, I think my craziness has decreased quite substantially recently.

It's probably because I haven't seen The Bitch in quite a while. That she-devil drives me up the wall backwards, I swear to God, Allah, Zeus, whoever is up there really.

"I think we need a little... vacation, so to speak." Mason says mischievously practically on the edge of his seat with anticipation.

I'm not quite so enthusiastic. I narrow my eyes at him suspiciously.


"Yeah, we need to get out for a bit, out of here I mean-"

"Stop right there." I put my hand up to stop him and I give him an annoyed look.

Mason's grin doesn't falter one little bit.

Gosh, he's so irritating.

"What? What's wrong?"

"The last time you came up with an escape plan, it didn't go too well did it?" I say in a chastising tone.

Mason rolls his eyes.

"As I said, that was just a ploy for you to hang out with me, it's not my fault you went bat-shit crazy and freaked out." He recalls, I scowl.

"I did not go 'bat-shit crazy'."

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"I did not!"

"You did!" Mason waves his hand dismissively. "But anyway, that doesn't matter now. We are getting out, trust me."

I raise an eyebrow. Trust him? I seriously hope he doesn't honestly think I'm that mentally impaired.

"I'm not freaking digging a tunnel underground or anything, and if we get caught then The Bitch is going to kill us." I cross my arms.

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