Part 17

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"Fuck," Harry swore again, running his hand through his hair in frustration. "Why am I so fucking stupid?"

Harry felt his head spin as the alcohol began to take effect. He wasn't drunk, just tipsy. Plus, he was worked up and confused as well. Just as things were starting to look up, they began to plummet down.

"No no no no no," Harry chanted to himself. "This can't happen."

He had just started to gain back Louis' trust and then that had to happen. Taylor and Ed were just complete idiots and if they hadn't been assholes about Harry's feelings, then Harry wouldn't have freaked out and Louis wouldn't have heard anything.

But Louis had heard something.

He had heard Harry say that he couldn't do it. That everyone would hate him if he did.

The smaller boy stopped halfway down the driveway suddenly as he realised that he hadn't heard the whole story. He didn't actually know what Harry was talking about. I might not have been him.

He spun around and groaned as he covered his eyes with his hands. He felt like an idiot. He always had a habit of over reacting and now finally, he was beginning to realise that he couldn't keep doing it.

He took a breath and walked straight back inside to see Harry, his eyes red-rimmed as he pulled at his hair.

"Wait, no. Stop. What are you doing?" He breathed out worriedly as he took in Harry's appearance. "Don't hurt yourself."

Harry looked up to see Louis standing in front of him. He sighed in relief and smiled at he sight.

"Lou." Harry's eyes lit up when he said the name.

Louis smiled briefly before looking down and preparing to say what he needed to say.

"I-I. I needed to say. I-I'm sorry. I- ugh. I didn't mean- I meant to- no. I just- uh." Louis rambled on, stumbling on his words as Harry looked on endearingly.

"I didn't mean to leave just now." Louis explained. "I, um, I don't know. I, uh, I just- I heard you say that, and I freaked. I'm sorry. It's just- I don't- Ugh."

"Lou, Louis. Calm down. Deep breaths." Harry pulled him close and rubbed his hands up and down his arms. "Can I get you a drink?" Harry asked with a light laugh.

Louis nodded and Harry smiled at him, nodding before holding his arm out, indicating for Louis to lead the way.

Louis returned the smile and stepped in front of the curly haired boy and walked them outside.

The two stood in the crowd of people as Louis took a deep breath and turned to him, preparing himself for what he was about to say.

"I'm glad you're here." Harry told him with a smile. "Thanks for coming."

Louis nodded and took another long breath.

"I'm sorry about before, I didn't meant to freak out." Louis admitted, looking down at his hands.

"Its okay-"

"No, its not." Louis interrupted him. "I-I was talking to Niall on the way here. I, um, I have this issue. Where I majorly freak out over little things. Its kinda anxiety, I guess, I don't really know. I just, I jump to conclusions and stuff and I just, um, I guess- I'm sorry, is what I'm trying to say." He finished with a little laugh.

"Its okay," Harry reassured him.

"Okay, can we start over? As if I just walked in now?" Louis asked and Harry smiled and nodded.

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