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Brooklyn's Pov

What the fuck is actually going on here?

I turn to Emily and she shrugs.

"What the fuck? Emily, what am I doing here?" I yell at her. She shrugs again and looks at Mr Styles.

I turn at him as he speaks up. "Thank you, Em," He says. Emily smiles at him and starts walking to the door. I look at her and was about to walk off with her, when I feel a hand on my arm.

"Let go of me!" I screech. "Emily, please don't leave me! You can't fucking do this." I try to loosen his grip but he's holding on too tight.

"Please. Let me apologise and make it up to you. Just tonight, I promise," Mr Styles begs. "Look, if you really want to make up for your stupid and inappropriate behaviour, the least you can do is to stay away from me," I sigh.

I was so focused on him to not notice Emily leaving. I hate her so much for this.

"Why do you feel the need to apologies anyway?" I question.

"I-I don't.." He shudders. Yes, Mr Styles just shuddered.

"Then why are you doing this!?" I yell again.

"Brooklyn, it's just fucking dinner okay. Why are you making such a big deal about it?" He says back.

"Fine. But no inappropriate shit or else I'm out," I finally give in.

He gives me a small smile while I try to keep a straight face. Although, it's extremely hard when he just looks so fucking adorable when he actually smiles.

"Dinner is ready, Mr Styles," his maid or cook quietly calls out. Mr Styles looks at her and nods slightly and then looks back at me. He extends his arm out waiting for me to link my arms through his, or whatever he thinks I'm actually going to do. Instead, I walk straight past him and into the dining table where delicious food is neatly placed. It smells delicious.

Before I could pull out my seat, Mr Styles runs over and pulls the chair for me. I look at him without giving him no slight hint of emotion and sit down. He pushes the chair in and walks to the opposite side and takes a seat.

"So, Brooklyn, how was your day?" He asks. "Cut the crap, Styles. Why am I here?" I demand.

"I told you already. I want to make up for what happened and please, call me Harry," he replies. I let out a deep sigh. "Please do eat," he says.

I give in and dig in. I must admit, the food was so amazing.

"Wine?" He asks holding the expensive looking wine bottle. I nod and he pours some in my glass. I take a sip and it literally feels like rainbows and unicorns are going down my throat. Okay, maybe that would hurt but I'm literally trying to say that it just tastes so fucking good. The best wine I've had my entire life, in fact.

"Like it?" He asks. I nod in response. "Good, good," he says.

"So, tell me about Brooklyn Wood," he asks me. I look up at him and raise an eyebrow. Should I or should I not?

I mean, if I tell him stuff, he sure has to tell me stuff, right?

"Well, my dad moved to New Yor-" I start.

"No," he interrupts. "Tell me about you. Not your family. I already know a lot, from your sister. Tell me about you."

I start to wonder if my sister and he were just friends or more. I guess he could tell what I was thinking since he tells me that they're just friends.

"O-okay, uhm... Well, for starters, I don't go to college. I live with my best friend who does go to college though."

He gives me a questionable look.

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