jack grazer⇢rain

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.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

Jack and I were stranded at a bus stop while it poured down rain. We sat on a wooden bench hugging our backpacks as I leant my head on his shoulder, the rain ran down my face constantly. My clothes felt as if I had just taken them out of the washing machine and put them on. The skies were a dark grey, it was the early afternoon and I was really tired.

I lifted my head up to look at Jack to see how he was doing. His hair was a drenched mess as he continuously struggled to keep his mop of hair out of his eyes. I put my bag beside me and ran my fingers through his hair so it would be pushed to the side and out of his way. He gave me a soft smile and looked out onto the road, the cars had stopped thundering past.

Jack suddenly stood up as I frowned at his sudden absence from beside me. I watched him walk toward the empty road, my fear rose a little.

"Jack what are you doing!?" I called out to him over the obnoxious rain around us. He turned around to look at me, a wide smile on his face.  I soon noticed the large puddle that was on the road as he took his hands out of the pockets of his jacket. He stared down at the giant puddle for a moment before jumping straight into it, watering splashing upwards into his face.

He wipes his face and kicked the water around only making his black Nikes, even more, water damaged. I stood up and left our bags on the wooden bench and stood on the side of the road watching him with a smile.

"Where are all the cars, Jack?" I yelled. He looked up at me and then down the road.

"The traffic lights down there take a really long time." He says. He walks towards me, his feet standing in the gutter as water rushed over his feet and past his legs. His arms snaked around my waist as he placed a soft peck of a kiss on my lips before he lifted me up into bridal style.

"Jack what are you doing?" I say in a panicked tone. I saw that he was carrying me towards the large puddle, the only part of me that was not wet was my feet as they were inclosed with Doc Martins.

"Jack no!" I say trying to squirm out of his grip as he just laughed evilly. "Jack yes!" He mocked me as he stood in the puddle ready to drop me.

"Jack don't," I threatened to turn my face to his. "Kiss me and I won't drop you," He smirked. I didn't hesitate to push my lips against his, even if he was blackmailing me. His lips were covered with water but still soft and warm, but our kiss was suddenly cut short with the blaring sounds of car horns. Our lips separated as Jack ran back onto the footpath as quickly as he could while he carried me.

He put me down when he got back onto the path, both our breathing rapid as our bodies had just convinced us in that intense moment we were going to die, but we didn't.

"You're an idiot," I say looking over to Jack who was trying to calm himself down. He looked over to me and a small smirk tugged at his lips, we began to laugh at how utterly stupid we are. I ran my fingers through his hair again, pushing it to the side as I saw him struggling with it.

"Hey, the bus is here," Jack says grabbing both our bags and passing me mine. "I am going to buy you a hot chocolate for nearly killing you." Jack smiled. "How considerate," I answered as I stepped onto the bus.


love, tassie <3

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