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I woke up and cook was still holding me I felt sick and I leaned over to grab the trash can. I started to puke and k felt cook shift
"Fuck here, hold on babes". He sat up and grabbed my hair and rubbed my back. I wiped my mouth and sat up to get my stuff to shower. I stopped and looked in the mirror im much bigger than I was. Everyone's gonna notice now. I sighed but held my tummy and looked back at cook who was grinning ear to ear.
"You're fucking perfect cam". He walked over and kissed my head.
"I'm scared as fuck cook".
"You have me babes. Fuck this place and everyone in it yeah?". I nodded and grabbed my stuff.
"Im gonna shower stay quite and we'll have our own day today". He smiled and I headed to the bathroom and showered and got dressed everything was right and showing my belly. Fuck it. I got back into my room and cook was smoking a cigarette.
"Gimme, and if you fight me on this I'm grabbing your nuts". He raised his eyebrows and handed me the smoke I took a drag and handed it back to him
"You can tell? No one besides JJ and effy knows".
"So? What do you care for babes we'll be gone soon".
"I don't know cook. Everything's changing I have our baby in me and we're planning something dangerous so I can get home, what if all this is wrong?". He looked angry and sat next me.
"Me and the baby?".
"Cookie! No! Not you and the baby this plan. I don't want anything to happen to you I'd never forgive myself". He leaned over and put his forehead to mine
"Babes. I'm doing this for all of us trust cook yeah?". I nodded and we headed to Naomi's to see what the big deal is. Now that effys gone again, I don't know what to expect. We got to the stoop and cook stopped and stood in-front of me. He rang the bell and Naomi answered looking tore up like she hasn't slept in days. When we walked in everyone besides Freddie was there even Karen.
"Everyone! Me and camidoll have some great news!". He was grinning from ear to ear I could already tell. He stepped aside and everyone saw me. No one really noticed until I turned to the side and made my way to the couch.
"Gobbers cameron are you?!".
"Yes panda, I'm pregnant". Everyone got silent and it was even more awkward when Emily came in and started out the door with her bags. Not the party I was expecting. Karen was pissed off and grabbed me and cook and drug us out the door to the park.
"Something on your mind Karen?".
"Yes cameron there is, You're pregnant with this idiots baby while my brothers gone missin lookin for your studious cousin!".
"Oy! Karen enough yeah? What are you going on about. Effy got sent away a week ago". Cook stepped in front of me because I was about to explode. I sat down to catch my breathe.
"This you idiot! He went looking for her and I found this in his room. None of them know where he is maybe you can find him. I want my brother home cook I know something bass happened. And cameron I'm sorry". She left the notebook and I took it from cook all it said was
"I love her". 
"I have one idea cook, effys old therapist".
"I thought the same thing babes, listen you go home get us all packed up and after the party I'll meet you at home we leave tomorrow afternoon".
"How are you gonna manage that cook?".
"Trust me doll face". He kissed me and walked me back home.
"I'll be back keep your phone on yeah?". I was worried but know better than to question him at this point. I called JJ no answer probably busy with his new girlfriend. Then I realized who I should be calling.
"Panda? Come help me pack?". She was there in no time we left a pile out for cook to pack into the bag he wants to bring and I just got ready for our meeting at Fred's shed. Karen was nice to offer it up since no can find Freddie. I told Panda to head off without me and I'll see her there. After I closed the door I heard my phone I rushed up to get it and it was Cook he could hardly breathe.
"Cook? Baby where are you are you okay!". He took a couple breathes and all I could here was door. I rushed back downstairs and looked out front and there was no one I rushed to the back and on the porch was a bloody cook.. I ran out and touched his face
"Cook are you okay can you hear me can you move!". I was trying to stay as quite as I could without losing it all completely.. he opened his eyes and tried to smirk at me he collapsed I lifted him up in my lap. We sat there for a minute before I got him on his feet and into the kitchen. I found a rag and sat him in a chair while I cleaned up his face. Mainly bruises only a couple of cuts but no stitches thank god.
"What happened Cook? Are we in trouble?". He grabbed my hand and started to tear up I kneeled down and he just feel to the floor with me. He put his head in my lap and in sobbed for a minute. Before he looked up at me.
"He's gone cam, that stupid fuck killed my Fred's! And I lost it cam. I found a bat and I, I lost it". I looked at his hands and I could see blood but no cuts.
"Cook is this your blood?". He shook his head no and I pulled my self up before I helped him up. I made him scrub his hands clean and I grabbed the bleach from under the sink.
"Babe I need you to handle the bleach I can't, I'm sorry but it needs to happen". He nodded and poured some down the drain and let the rest sit in the sink. I was in the living room in a ball not knowing what to feel. When cook curled up next to me I broke we both did. We didn't even make it to the party there was no point now.
"I'm sorry babydoll".
"You're here with me and safe that's all that matters Cookie. I fucking love you. And this baby will too". He leaned up and kissed me and we sat and cried with each other all night. We woke up to my alarm blaring I don't even know when we got to sleep but packed up the last bag cook needed and headed to Karen's to tell her what we found and who to call after we leave. Cook let the bleach out in the sink and off we went. When we got to the shed I called Karen. Just as I hung up JJ showed up. Karen came in and I completely lost it again. She knew exactly what that meant she came and collapsed next to me and we held each other while we cried. We looked up at three musketeers picture and Karen got up wiped her eyes and began dancing cook and JJ joined her. I felt the baby kick and I just sat watching as something so horrible could bring us together again. But it's what Fred's would have wanted. After about and hour cook and I hugged Karen.
"Here's the address love, call them as soon as cami tells you. And here's camis number, call anytime. She'll text you when baby drops is yeah?". Karen's eyes started to well up again as did mine she gripped us both in one last tight hug. JJ grabbed my bags and cook laid in the back until we got to London almost a 3 hour drive and one anxiety attack from being free. I hope his plan fucking works.

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