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"All you do is spend my money that I work my ass off to hand over to you too!". Every time my dad got like this it didn't matter if we spilt up to separate sides of the house he would always yell at us both. My mom was in the kitchen just humming cooking and ignoring the anger. I can't
"Yeah well you dedicated your life so we could have "things" so kinda your own fault there pops". He grabbed onto the ends of the cabinet and stared at me.
"You're and ungrateful little bitch you know that? I told you mother I wanted a boy".
"And what was your plan stick me back in a pray for a penise?". As usual mom just laughs and moves on.
"And you both wonder why I'm never here".
"Oh don't act like it's us, we know what you do when you go out!".
"Oh yeah dad I'm the slut of the town!".
"Bye mom love you!".
Love you to camigirl!".
"Dick". I flipped my dad off as I walked out and Off to school I went. Nothing great I have 2 friends bex and Noah.
"Hey there's the princess!".
"Fuck you bex don't start".
"Another rough morning?".
"Noah when isn't it a rough morning? And you know what moms gonna do just complain about the stress of life and take a "vacation" somewhere".
"I'm sorry hun". Bex wrapped her arm around my shoulder and off we went. The best part is it's graduation day so quick pictures we get our caps and gowns and get the fuck outta here!
"Who's got the stuff!". Noah grinned and opened his back pack showing me what we had to sell. More than enough dime bags to get us at least 200$ easy. We set up at our usual bench and decide what to do now that we can officially start life.
"I'm getting the fuck outta hereee!".
"Really cameron, you have everything you can't deal with a little bit of bullshit from that dick head?".
"Okay A: Noah, you have two parents that actually talk to each other and care about you
B: they forgot it was even graduation day so fuck the ceremony!".
"Okay.. point retracted.. but your seriously not going to the ceremony?".
"Nope got my diploma it's already in my  bag!". I patted my back pack and the afternoon was going slower than usual. Bex pulled out a blunt and sparked it and I spread my legs out on her and set my head in Noah's lap.
"I'm gonna miss this". I passed Noah the blunt and closed my eyes.
"Miss what spending time in a park smoking?". I kicked bex for her stupid remark but she just smacked my leg and laughed.
"Cam, you know New York is a flight away you can come see us anytime". I was content happy with them. Bex even offered to let me stay in New York but as you all know by now that was cut short. We were walking home and we all heard the sirens Noah dropped the bag and told me to run. But this was my future my way to get out money to be my own person I grabbed Noah's back pack it was thrown to the ground, along with everything on me I was dumb enough to pick it up They found my ID the drugs and my stag I had for extra cash. What you don't know is how my father really reacted when that door closed.
"REALLY, act like you care know little do both of you know I fucking GRADUATED today! Did any of you care no! Because your both caught up in your shot physical items!". My father smacked me and my mom finally stepped in
"ENOUGH, your going to your aunt Athena first thing in the morning!".
"Take his side mom god knows what's you do without your physical possessions". I stomped up the stairs and at each others throats they went. The usual. When I was done packing mom was in tears and dad actually pretended he cared for a second..
"I hate that you do this to her".
"Don't worry dad I hate you too". And that was the last encounter with him I had.
Fast forward!
"Okay it's off! I nicked him a little bit but you need to take him so I can stash this somewhere!".
"Cameron no! I won't let you get caught for me!".
"It's to late cook you want our plan to work you need to trust me you have so far just a little more okay?". He wrapped me In his arms he led me like he would never feel me again and when Naomi grabbed him I saw the most vulnerable side of cook I've ever seen.
"Naomi let me fucking go! I'm not letting her do this!". I grabbed cookies hand and wrapped my fingers in his for a second I pecked his lips and let go and just ran. I kept going till I was out of breathe and shaking I found a bridge and threw the bracelet over the bridge into the water. I watched it sink and caught my breathe and found my phone.
"Naomi.. call JJ get cook out of there. Tell him I'll meet him there!". She agreed and I walked 18 blocks to JJ my feet were killing me I was beyond cold and I heard nothing but sirens on my way there. I didn't know if they were for cook or something else but I made it to JJ and called before I rang the bell.
"I'm here, is cook awake?".
"Cameron! Is that you babe! Where are you I'll meet you just tell me your okay!".
"Cook I'm in the backyard tell JJ to find a way out and I'll be right here". He calmed down and took a deep breathe.
"I'll be right there". And he was the back door opened and there was the one person I needed to see.. I pulled him into my arms and cried into his chest.
"I thought you were gonna leave me forever..". He held me and kissed the top of my head.
"I don't plan on it but we need to act soon yeah?". I nodded and pulled him closer to me.
"Thank you JJ I owe you I got him now". JJ ran over and grabbed both of us.
"Cook, you fuck her over I'll hurt you mate". Cook smiled and kissed JJ cheek
"I don't know what I'd do without you both!". My stomach sank as I walked cook to our new hide out. Obviously the flat would be the first place they'd look. Soo I had to call the one person he'd hate me for Effy.
"Why the fuck our we here!".
"Cook, we have no where else Okay this is the last place they'd look and effy already agreed".
He looked annoyed but nodded
"Just keep quite till I get you to the room okay?".
"Why do I have to be quite?".
"Just Incase my aunts home. No big deal I promise". He nodded and we made our way into the effs old room I locked the door and made sure me and cook could form a solid plan. I began finding ways to get out of Bristol and find somewhere else to fly out of when I noticed Cook was asleep. I heard a knock at the door and it was effs she nodded her head toward the door and I followed.
"What's your plan?".
"Effs I have no clue help me!".
"Well, you can stay for the night but tomorrow you gotta stash him somewhere else".
"I know effy, where can we go that's big enough but small enough to get him on a plane?".
"You think your getting him on a plane with this much heat on him?". She snickered and I punched her arm.
"Effy im serious!".
"I know you are, I just don't know what to tell you right now I'm not in it cameron you are".
"Big help effy, go get fucked up with Freddie some more god knows he'll be lost without you". She walked inside and I sat for a moment before I got up to clean this wreck of a house. Can't sleep anyway might as well make myself useful. I got part way threw the kitchen when I felt someone touch my shoulder. I went to punch but it was cookie.
"Why are you up love? And why are you cleaning this fucking mess come on!". He grabbed my hand and lead me back up stairs. He pulled the laptop open and looked at me sitting directly across from me.
"What's the plan doll?".
"Well effy was no help maybe you can think of something, we need somewhere small but big enough to get you on a plane".
"Alright next?".
"Well, I'm gonna have to cover you're tattoos, and maybe dye your hair a little darker? Not to mention your scruff so well have to let that grow in".
"You're really thinking this through aren't you baby?".
"Cook, don't joke okay? I've been racking my brain but I need to know how long I need to hide you". He came closer and cupped my cheek and kissed me softly.
"Long enough for this scruff to grow a little right?". I couldn't help but laugh
"Seriously, Babydoll I'll think up the rest don't worry just stay here with me and rest now yeah?". I cuddled into bed and cook laid behind be holding me as close as he could. One things for sure I don't want to be without him ever again.

Cookie + DollFace Where stories live. Discover now