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I haven't seen effy in a while. I called her a couple of times but I couldn't tell her the truth just yet. I went with my aunt to go pick her up. We walked in and met with her therapist. Something about him creeped me out. When we got to effys room she was completely different. She looked up and ran toward me picking me off my feet.
"Missed you too effs, how you feeling?".
"Better". She hugged her mom and we were on our way.
"Effy, cameron has some delightful news!". I shot her a look that was meant to say you bitch but she just snickered.
"What's that cami?". She looked at me and smiled.
"Well. Effs, I'm a. I'm kinda, well I'm pregnant". She looked at me shocked for a second but got a grin from ear to ear.
"I'm so happy for you cami!". I felt uncomfortable. She never got this mushy with me before. We made it back to the house and I helped effs to her room it was completely different. Athena knocked and Freddie entered the room.
"Can we have the room cam?".
"No, she has to be here". Effy linked her arm in mine and I just nodded at her. Freddie started to talk but effy wanted nothing to do with it.
"Fred's you need to leave now". I held effy in my arms and I couldn't bear to tell her I was leaving... she had an appointment and she requested I take her.
"Cook? Can you meet me please? I need you".
"I'll be there baby. Send me the address and calm down I don't need my girls getting upset now".
"Your girls?".
"You and my little girl your carrying". I sniffles and wiped my tears fucking hormones.
"You don't even know what the little bean is cook. Just meet me please". I headed to the hospital with effs. When we met with her therapist I felt uncomfortable he was creepy and petrified like tree I seen once as a kid. I looked around and saw Cook.
"Effs I'll meet you in the lobby I don't like him". I looked at her therapist and made my way to cook.
"Thank god you're here".
"Was that effs therapist?".
"Yes, and he gives me the creeps".
"I can see why, I have some good news though. We have two plane tickets to cali now".
"Cook how did you?".
"Cami you're pregnant. You're at 15 weeks now no one would look twice at a pregnant women and her lover traveling together. We just need to get to London and the trips taken care of from there". He looked around to make sure no one could hear us.
"I love you so much Cook". He walked around with me and I started to cry again.
"What's wrong darlin?".
"I need you to be with me I can't keep this up please. Just don't leave us".
"I never will babes, why do you think I'm doing this all for you. You tell me when I can and I'll be there tonight. I climbed a roof for you before I can do it again". He held his forehead to mine and I wiped my face.
"Stop crying, give cookie a kiss yeah?". I grabbed his cheek and kissed him as hard as I could. I looked at the clock and saw it was almost time to meet effy.
"I gotta go Cookie. I'll call you tonight after I get her settled". He agreed and I sat and waited for effs.
"How'd it go?". She looked at me confused and we just headed to the car.
"I'm starving, wanna get some food?".
"Yeah, you're eating do two now what sounds good to you?". Effys never this mice and I'm staring to get worried. We stopped at a pub and we got some food.
"What do you guys talk about in therapy?".
"Freddie, how I lost myself with him. How I need to make myself stronger".
"Effs, Freddie is worried about you".
"I don't know who he is anymore cam, everything changed". We ate in silence and drove home in silence. When we got home effy began to freak out over her stuffed animal, the one tony got her. My aunt and I were rummaging through her room and I found it under the bed.
"Effy! Effy calm down its here!". She ripped it from my hands and laid on the bed I curled up next to her and wrapped my arms around her my aunt had effs head in her lap.
"It's okay effy, we're here". When I woke up my aunt and effs were gone. I looked at effys white board and it was all crossed out her pills scattered everywhere. I knew where she went.
I started down the street and made my way to the end of the block before I got light headed I pulled out my phone and called cook to meet me. When I made it. Effy was on a rooftop bar. I saw cook trying to get her somewhere safe but she grabbed him and kissed him. He pulled away and I started to make my way across the street I was pissed off and hurt. Why again? And now? I yelled her name but she started down the block I saw the street she was headed to. Cook caught up to me and we tried to grab effs but she ran in the middle of the rode.
"I'm not afraid! I wanna feel something! Anything! I'm not scared!". That's all I kept hearing. I saw an opening and before cook could grab me I ran to effy and tackled her to the ground on the grass. Cook was right behind me I was winded and couldn't sit up. He grabbed me and held me till I caught my breathe. I pulled away and grabbed effy.
"Take me to Freddie cameron, I need him". I could see it in her eyes it was like she was herself again. I picked her up and held her in my arms before kissing her head.
"Come on, you fucking ass. You owe me big". She just smiled and I wiped my face cook helped us both up and we made t to Freddie's a half an hour later.
"Cook I need a minute I'll walk her up okay?". He just nodded and looked down I could tell he was upset about what happened as well. I helped effy out of the car.
"Why there effs? What's going on?". She stopped and sat on the step.
"I didn't remember Cameron. After I kissed cook it came back everything. I don't wanna see that man anymore". I knew exactly who she meant i grabbed her again and held her before I knocked on the door. Freddie answered blood shot eyes. I stepped aside and effy just smirked. Freddie rushed out and grabbed her in his arms kissing her head as hard as he could. I looked back as I go to the car and saw Freddie mouth
"Thank you". I nodded and smirked and got back in the car with cook. It was mostly silent on our way to take JJs car back.
"Come home with me?". Cooked looked surprised but smiled.
"You want me too?".
"Yes cook, it's not your fault effys going through a break down. Truth is you pushing her away was the reality break she needed". He tossed the keys into the wheel well and texted JJ.
"Why she acting like a psycho?".
"Cook. Come on, that's not fair. I'm not mad I'm not upset I'm pregnant moody and want to get the fuck out of this place. That's it". He wrapped he arm around my shoulder and I rested my head on his.
"One more week babes". He kissed my head and we walked back to my aunts house. I opened the door and all was quite I pulled Cook in quickly and he went to effs old/ my new room. I latched the door and locked it and made my way to cook. I pulled off all my top layers and crawled next to him. Cookie rolled over and cradled my growing belly and kissed my neck.
"I love you cameron. No more by yourself. I'm yours you're mine. I want my baby to know me". I kissed cook and scooted closer to him.
"It's gonna get harder cook". I kissed his cheek and he just held me closer. My baby my lover and me can this just be easier? The next morning Freddie called.
"She's gone cam, she left again. I don't know where". I tried to call but her number was disconnected I looked around for my aunt nobody. Just me just cook just the baby growing inside me now.

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