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JJ took me to my blood test and it was confirmed 10 weeks. Fuck me.
"You have to tell him cam".
"I know I will just, I can't right now".
I've even keeping cook in my room the 3 days. I've had to sneak extra extra food and figure out how me and him can go out. I still haven't told him but I keep my distance when we're out. Katie knows, I was hesitant to tell her but she guessed when I wasn't drinking, or smoking, or drugs. I woke up and we had 3 days till cooks "plan" may or may not work. I have to tell him though. I've been hiding my morning sickness by puking outside or so I thought..
"You're mum got sick like that, when she was carrying you". She exhaled her cigarette and passed it to me I felt sick again I went to the sink and threw up again. After I rinsed up my aunt pulled out the pregnancy test.
"I wasn't sure but this tells me other wise, are you pregnant cameron?". She was sober and actually looking me in the face I nodded and she put her cigarette out and hugged me.
"Does the father know?". I shook my head no and she brushed the hair and the tear from my face.
"Tell him love, that's the only way you'll know if it's real". I didn't take her seriously I just walked away and made sure cook was still asleep. He wasn't.. I walked into the room and sat on the edge of the bed across from him.
"Why you so far babes? Come here!". He pulled me next to him and I relaxed for a second but it just came up like my actually vomit.
"Cook I'm pregnant". He looked at me like I was kidding but it hit him.
"How long have you known?".
"3 days".
"Who knew?". I hesitated but I couldn't do this anymore.
"JJ and Katie, Katie guessed because I wasn't acting the same. JJ was just behind her". I lied and thought he was gonna rage and leave. But he held me in his arms and kissed my head.
"Did they tell you how long?".
"7 weeks".. I nuzzled my head into his chest and he just held me.
"Cook what do we do now?".
"Well we need to move you and I need to buy some stuff, but I fucking love you cook this doesn't change anything does it?". He just kissed my head and pulled his forehead to mine
"No, it doesn't but I need to know if you can handle a trip yeah? When's the next appointment?". I bit my lip and looked down
"Today, I was gonna see if JJ could take me". He smiled and kissed me softly.
"I want you to call as soon as you get in yeah?". I nodded and got dressed and just threw my hair up.
"Babes". he handed me some cash enough to get what I would need.
"Thank you Cookie". I smiled weakly at him and he blocked the door.
"Not until I get a real kiss". He poked at my sides making me giggle. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck. I kissed him twice and he let me out.
"Stay our be quite ill be back okay I love you Cookie". He kissed me one more time
"I love you too Babydoll". I walked to JJ and thomas work. I shopped around and got a months worth if prenatal vitamins. JJ spotted me and helped me shop around.
"I told him".
"How'd he take it?".
"I don't know part of me is expecting him to be gone when I get back".
"If he isn't?".
"He has a plan but I need 3 days to stash him somewhere else and I'm all out of options".
"I'll help you cameron, if you help me?".
"Anything JJ".
"I asked a girl out she wants me to pick her up for dinner, help me on our way to your appointment and I'll stash cook for you".
"JJ I don't want to force you"..
"You're not I love you both and you have a part of both of you inside of you now, I'm like an uncle I have to keep him safe right?". I couldn't help it I grabbed him and hugged him.
"Sorry JJ, you just always know what to say to make a girl smile". We were on our way and I started to give him advice.
"First off your already amazing, so just be yourself, if you feel like your talking to much drink some water and take a breathe and let her talk". He looked worried.
"JJ, calm down. You talk to me just fine. You worry to much. You have a lot of knowledge to share and your funny, and a magician?". He smiled and I could see him calm down a little.
"Come on then JJ, whats some facts you can talk about with her?".
"Space, magic, animals, airplanes".
"See? Was that so hard?".
"What if she doesn't like any of those things?".
"Then you take a breathe and ask her what she does like, and relate to something you know take a breathe again and respond to what she said she liked compare, show her how your interests match".
"Is that what cook did with you?".
"Not exactly, but he's learning how to care for me I think". We made it to the clinic thankfully before he could question me more on cook.
"Let me know how it goes thank you for all you do for me JJ". He smiled and nodded
"I'll let you know when I can sneak Cook in, good luck cam". I walked in and felt nervous I filled out my paper work. I felt nervous. I hate being here alone. They called me back and I got my ultrasound pictures and pulled my sweats back on.
"Any questions for me?". I hesitated but asked anyway.
"I'm looking to travel back home to California. Am I okay to travel?". She smiled and rested her hand on my shoulder.
"Until you reach your third trimester I don't see that being a problem. As long as you stay healthy and keep doing what your doing you'll be fine". I nodded and walked back to my aunts. I called cook since I couldn't in the clinic.
"Cookie? I can travel. And everything is fine. I'm sorry I didn't call I got paranoid by myself". He took a long sigh.
"I was worried about you cam, where are you?"
"On my way". I told him the cross streets and a couple blocks up there was cool walking toward me. He ran toward me and I was running toward him. He wrapped me in his arms and I felt safe again.
"I love you cook".
"I love you too Babydoll". We headed toward to park so I can show him everything.
"I can travel up till my third trimester so as long as I keep doing what I'm doing little bean should be fine". He looked at me and reached for my stomach he ran little circles over it.
"I can't wait, it's gonna be a boy".
"Oh so sure what if it's a girl?". He smirked at me leaned down and kissed my belly.
"I'm gonna take care of you both cameron. I promise". I leaned down and kissed him but we were interrupted.
"Okay JJ were on our way". Cook looked at me confused so I explained.
"JJ was having girl problems I helped him out your gonna stay there while I get effy home and tell her I'm leaving. We have a deal?". He just kissed my head and wrapped his arms around me.
"You, me, and now our baby. I can handle it for you". And with that we headed to JJs to sneak him in. God I hope this works.

Cookie + DollFace Where stories live. Discover now