CHAPTER 1 - Figuring It Out

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"Glad you could make it Flash"

"Supergirl. Always a pleasure"

Barry and his grown-up daughter Nora walked through the Earth portal to be greeted in the DEO by Supergirl. Alex joined them soon and, as she saw Nora, she asked:

"And who is she?"

"Oh, hum, it's my daughter, Nora. it's a long story. Nora, this is Supergirl and-"

"Alex Danvers, director of the DEO. Of course, I read a lot about this Earth and its heroes. It's a real pleasure to meet you."

"I'm sorry, you said your daughter?", asked Kara a little confused.

"Yes, from the future. I'll tell you all about it when we catch this meta."

"Yes, thank you for that. We think he is from Earth-1", responded Kara, while everyone headed towards the screens.

"Well, you are right, he is. Though I have no idea how he got here", said Barry when he saw the meta's face.

"For now, it doesn't matter", said Alex, "all we need to know is how to defeat him, his ability to teleport makes it very difficult to catch him, even for us."

"Don't worry, we are happy to help!", said Nora, really excited.

"Flash, remind me why your daughter from the future came on this Earth with you", asked Alex, not entirely happy about her presence here.

"Well, we actually have a lot going on our Earth, so the rest of the team stayed there, and I thought I'd take Nora to train, and to be honest, she really wanted to come. And, she can help too, she got my speedster gene".

"I think it's good that we have 2 of them to back us up", said Kara before her sister could say anything else. "All right speedsters, how do we catch the bad guy?"


"Teleporter locked up!", said Supergirl 30 minutes later as she high fived the Flash.

"Good job guys", Alex said with less apprehension than before. "I have to admit, we couldn't have done it without you. Both of you", she said looking at Nora.

Nora tried to hide her smile, but she cracked and went to hug Alex. Kara and Barry laughed at Alex's expression before Barry interrupted:

"Well, this was fun, but we should be on our way. Our Earth needs our help."

"Thank you for your help Barry. And Nora.", said Kara while hugging them.


Barry and his daughter said their last goodbyes before opening a portal with Cisco's device. Kara turned to Alex:

"I still don't really understand the time travel thing but Nora seemed nice."

"She was helpful."

"Admit it, you liked her", Kara said while playfully punching Alex in the arm.

"Maybe a little", Alex said with a little smile before answering her ringing phone.

She took a few steps away, but Kara managed to see that it was Sam who was calling. Kara smiled, secretly hoping that those two would be more than friends in a near future. But when Alex returned to her, she had a worried face:

"It was Sam, Lena got hurt."

"What? How? What happened?", Kara asked, feeling her concern rise up.

"During your fight with the meta, she got hurt by debris from a building."

"Oh Rao, this is my fault. Is she okay?"

"Don't worry, she's in the hospital, I'm going to get her here so we can take care of her."

"Thank you Alex."


The first thing Lena saw when she woke up was Kara. Well, she couldn't really see her, it was more of a blur. But Lena recognized Kara's hair and her chin. She was talking to her sister. Lena closed her eyes again wondering where she was. Probably at the hospital, Sam must have called Kara and Alex. It warmed her heart a little to think that she had friends who would take care of her when she'd get hurt. She fell asleep again, to wake up a few hours later. She opened her eyes, for good this time, to see Alex next to her, checking her IV.

"Glad to see you're awake Lena", said Alex when she realized her patient was up.

"Hi Alex. Am I at the hospital?"

"No, you're at the DEO, we though it was safer if we took care of you here."

Lena frowned, remembering the sight of Kara earlier. When she saw Supergirl enter the room, she gazed directly at her chin and, for the first time, Lena was struck by the resemblance with Kara. Her heartbeat fastened as she was not sure exactly what that meant.

"Lena, are you okay?", asked Supergirl, looking really concerned.

"Yes, yes, I am. Where- where is Sam?"

"She had to go back to L-Corp to deal with the press. The word got out that you were injured."


"Are you sure you're okay?", asked Kara again, not convinced by her friend's act.

"I think so, it must be the shock. What happened?"

"It was my fault really, I was fighting an enemy, I throw him in a building, which you were in. I'm so sorry Lena."

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine. At least you got the bad guy", said Lena, still trying to figure all it out.

"We did. I should let you rest."

"Thank you, Supergirl."

Kara smiled and walked out of the room to join Alex:

"Alex, does she seem off to you?"

"If she is, her injuries have nothing to do with it, she's doing surprisingly okay."

"Okay, thank you."

Kara decided that it was probably nothing and dropped Lena off at her home a few hours later.


When Lena got home, Sam was sleeping on her couch. Deciding that she didn't want to wake her friend up, Lena slowly took her shoes off, opened her laptop and poured herself a glass of wine. She was going to need this if she wanted to know the truth about Kara. The first thing she did was finding everything she could about Supergirl, pictures, videos, interviews, everything that could tell her if her best friend was lying to her for the last 3 years.

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