CHAPTER 8 - Surprise

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It seemed like just another day on the job. Except it quickly turned into a nightmare. Well, for some people.

Lena came to the DEO to help Alex track a possible alien threat. They had been at it for almost 30 minutes and still had no idea how to do so.

"Excuse-me, what are you doing sitting on my chair?"

"Winn! Thank god you're back, we could use your help."

Winn looked at Alex with over-dramatically surprised eyes:

"So I've been gone for a month and nobody's gonna ask me how my vacation's been going. I mean look how tan I am!"

"We can see that Winn", said Kara who just entered the DEO. "I'm glad you're back, I've missed you."

"Supergirl! I've missed you too."

"You can call me Kara, Lena knows."

Winn raised his eyebrows:

"Wow, I've been away way too long. I'm gonna need to hear that story. But first, tell me what I can do to help."


An hour later, the team was nowhere closer to find the threat. They were taking a break, coffees in hand when a breach opened in the middle of the DEO. Alex took out her gun and Winn moved behind her. Kara placed herself next to her sister, in front of the breach, while the other DEO agents were prepared to welcome the enemy. Except it wasn't an enemy. Barry, Nora and another girl came out of the breach. At the sight of all the guns, Barry put his hands up:

"Oh god. Sorry to barge in like that but I'm pretty sure you're going to want to hear that."

Alex dismissed the agents and pointed the round table with her chin. Alex, Kara, Lena, Winn, Barry, his daughter Nora and the mysterious woman circled around it.

"What do we owe the pleasure Flash?" asked Alex.

"I'm sorry, but who is this?" asked Lena very confused about this turn of events.

Barry took out his mask:

"It's a long story, but my name is Barry Allen, this is my daughter, Nora and we're from a different Earth."

Lena took a second before answering: 

"All right."

"All right, just like that? Like you know what I mean?"

"I told you she's a scientist and she's really smart", said the woman who came with them.

"Yes, and who are you?" asked Kara.

The woman took a look at Barry who give her a nod:

"My name is Laura, I am from the future."

"Exactly how many daughters from the future do you have Barry?" asked Alex, who was starting to get annoyed.

"Hum, this one is not my daughter, she is yours", said Barry looking at Kara.

Kara stayed silent for a second before chuckling:

"Right. My daughter. From the future."

"Yes", said Barry. And Lena's too."

"This is mind-blowing", whispered Winn, enjoying the show.

Lena had no expression on her face, and Kara hesitated between bursting in laughter or just leave the room. Luckily Alex spoke first:


"Trust me I know how you feel."

"Just, what are you talking? Like, how do we know any of this is even true?" said Alex, still really confused.

Laura answered that one:

"Well, because I know all of you. I can tell you that my mom- I mean, Lena, hates flying even though she knows it's the safest way to travel. I can tell you how much Antie Alex wants children. I can tell all about this place but also all about Krypton, because my mom told me bedtime stories about her home planet. I can tell you-"

"I think we got the point", interrupted Alex seeing Kara and Lena's expressions.

"I'm sorry. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't important."

"Exactly why are you here?" asked Winn.

"That would be my fault", said Barry. "See, when Nora and I came here a few weeks ago, we changed the future."

"What?" asked Alex for the second time.

"All right. Nora's from the future, right? So, everything that she does in our present, it has a repercussion on our future. Just like when I went back to save my mom and created Flashpoint. And when we helped you two weeks ago, her actions changed the future. She was not supposed to be there."

"Okay, okay, so what exactly changed?", asked Winn.

"Lena's injuries", said Laura. "Supergirl was not supposed to throw the meta in the building, Lena was not supposed to get injured."

"And I was not supposed to figure out Kara was Supergirl."

"Exactly, well, not at this moment at least", said her daughter.

"But, why is that so important?" asked Kara.

Laura looked at her, at the verge of tears:

"Because I don't exist anymore."

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