CHAPTER 11 - Time To Be Honest

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The whole team had no idea what to do. The next step was for Lena to take, if they wanted to even have a chance to put the future back in place, Lena had to forgive Kara. And they both knew it. Kara found Laura in one of the training rooms. She watched her daughter punching the mannequins with the same strength she had.

"Did I teach you how to fight?", Kara asked while going down the stairs to join Laura.

"No, Antie Alex did. You thought it would be too dangerous for me to go out there."

"That's funny. It was Alex who didn't want to me go out there in the first place when I became Supergirl."

"I know. This is exactly what you yelled at her when you found out she was teaching me how to fight."

Kara smiled and got closer to her daughter.

"I don't know why but I feel like I have to apologize."

"You have anything to apologize for, Mom."

Kara felt like she was punched in the guts. With kryptonite.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called you that."

"No, no it's okay. It's just very surprising", said Kara. "We are going to figure this out, all right?"

Laura didn't say anything, she just nodded. Kara looked around and said:

"Do you want to show me what you can do?"

Laura smiled, and her feet left the floor.

"I'll try to go easy on you", she said while her mother laughed.


After playfully training with her daughter, Kara found Lena on the DEO's balcony.

"Am I disturbing?" she asked while coming next to Lena.

"No, no, I was just thinking."

"Lena, I need to talk to you."

"Kara, please. I'm already so lost."

"Well, maybe what I'll say will help you see things clearer."

Lena turned to Kara, the moonlight lighting her face. Kara took a deep breath and started:

"First, I want you to take Laura off your head. In the end, this is your decision to make, all right? Now, I want to come clean to you. I've waited too long, and you deserve the truth. The whole truth. When I first arrived on this planet, I was 13. I was sent here by my parents with my cousin Kal, who was just a baby at the time, to protect him on this new planet. But the pod I was in got lost and I stayed in the Phantom Zone for decades. Time didn't pass there so when I finally arrived on Earth I was still a little girl. But Kal, he had grown up and was Superman. He introduced me to the Danvers and they took care of me like family, from day one. They taught me about my powers and how to use them, but they also taught me how to keep them a secret. I wasn't allowed to use them. Growing up, all I wanted to do was to help. And I knew I could, more than any other human. I became Supergirl to save Alex who was in a crashing plane. She didn't want to me to keep using them, but I just saw what I could do, and I liked it. All of this, it first started with Winn, and then James."

Kara stopped before continuing:

"Do you remember when we first met? I was with Kal, my cousin."

"Superman is Clark Kent?"


"So, this is why he was so harsh on me."

Kara chuckled:

"I guess so. We came to see you because we thought you had something to do with the explosion of the Venture. Kal already saw you as the bad guy because of his history with your brother. Honestly, I didn't really know what to think. I knew all about Lex, but I tried to keep my mind open. And you said something that really spoke to me then. You said: "I'm just a woman trying to make a name for herself outside of her family". I mean I was always described as Superman's cousin, I knew how you felt. Anyway, you proved your innocence, and you showed me that you were nothing like your brother. Next thing I knew, we had weekly lunches, I saved your life as Supergirl, you saved mine, you bought the company I worked for, and, anyway, it just happened so fast. So of course, at first I didn't tell you who I was because I have to keep my identity secret to everyone. And then, after Mon-El left Earth, and you were always there for me, I started developing feelings for you. Feelings that I didn't want to acknowledge because everyone I care about gets hurt. I tried to bury them down, to not think about it and it almost worked. Then, with Sam being Reign and with the kryptonite thing, you lost faith in Supergirl. You already hated her, I didn't want you to hate Kara Danvers as well."

"But it was over a year ago. I forgave Supergirl a long time ago."

"I know. And I thought of telling you everything then. Multiple times. But telling you who I was, it would have mean that something could really happen between us. And all my love stories have ended up really badly. I didn't want to lose you. You mean so much to me Lena, I just can't bear the thought of you getting hurt because of me, or worst."

Lena didn't say a word but she felt her heart pounded like crazy. When she realized Kara could hear it, she blushed even more. She took a deep breath and looked into Kara's eyes:

"Thank you. I really appreciate you telling me this, but I need to think about, well, everything."

"Of course, take your time. I just wanted you to know all of it. All of me."

Lena smiled, and Kara left the balcony to go back in the DEO. Alex didn't let her time to think about what just happened:

"Kara, I'm sorry but there is a building on fire, where we picked up the traces of the alien we were trying to track."

"Okay, I'll go."

She flew there, used her breath to stop the fire and decided to go in to check if the alien threat was still here. She was in the building, moving carefully across the hall when she heard a noise. She turned back, used her X-Ray vision but didn't see anything. She was ready to get back to the DEO when she got hit on the head. She fell down, her vision getting blurry. The last thing she saw before dropping unconscious was the green color of kryptonite.

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