CHAPTER 4 - Try to See Things from Her Point Of View

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Sam knew Lena was crushed but she was still kinda trying to figure out what all of this meant. And at the same time in Kara's apartment, Alex knew Kara was crushed and she did everything she could to be there for her sister.

When Alex knocked on Kara's door after receiving Sam's text, she was not sure what to expect. It took Kara a whole minute to open the door, which Alex knew wasn't a good sign.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Sure, why would I not be?", responded Kara while collapsing on the couch.

"No reason, just checking up on you. I brought pot stickers and ice cream. Which one do you want first?"

"I don't know, I'm not really feeling like eating."

This is how Alex measured Kara's level of depression, based on what she would eat. She didn't remember a time when her sister "didn't feel like eating". It was bad, and she knew it. So, she did what she did best: annoyingly question her sister until she told her what was bothering her. Nice is not the way Alex Danvers works.

"All right, fine. What happened?"


"Kara. You're not going to start keeping secrets from me, are you?"

"Why not? Apparently, it's what I do."

"Kara, will you tell me what happened? You know I can't help you if I don't know what's going on."

"I don't need your help."

"You're not eating. You need every bit of help you can get."

Kara finally took her eyes of the TV and Alex noticed the tears in her eyes.

"Alex, I think I've made a huge mistake."

Alex dropped the ice cream and went hugging her. Kara put her head on her sister's chest and cried. Alex stroke Kara's hair while whispering her it was going to be okay. After a few minutes, without raising her head up, Kara told her sister:

"Lena knows. She knows I'm Supergirl and she hates me."

The first thing Alex wanted to do was make Lena pay for making her little sister not eat and cry. It only lasted a few seconds, but Alex couldn't help it. The second thing she wanted to do was lecture Kara about keeping her identity secret. She hated that she felt this way, but she still couldn't help it. Realizing that none of these two things would help her sister, Alex deciding to do the third thing that crossed her mind, and that was to be here for Kara, no matter what. Alex kissed Kara's forehead, put her arms around her and hold her tight while imagining the next conversation she was going to have with the little Luthor. 


Sam, on the other hand, had no idea what to do. Lena was talking to her or to herself for about half an hour now.

"I mean, it was obvious. The girl just takes off her glasses! I spend 3 years with her, Sam, 3 years! And I never figure it out. I'm the smartest woman of my family and I couldn't even see that my best friend was wearing a cape in her free time! And it's not like I never saw Supergirl. I knew her! I knew both of them! I don't understand how I could not see this. I mean, do you know how many times I complained to Kara about Supergirl? Do you know many times she made it seems like they were at the same place? Do you know how many times I wanted to kiss her? I mean-"

"Wait, wait, wait, go back. How many times you wanted to kiss her?"

"I- I said that?"

"Oh god, I though you were never going to admit this."

"What? What? Wait, you knew?"

"You are not discreet about it at all, you know. I mean, the heart eyes, the long glances, it's like being in the Note Book, only worst."

Lena collapsed on her couch with a glass of wine. This is how Sam measured how much Lena was down, by her lack of classiness and her number of glasses of wine. Considering she had enough, Sam took Lena's glass away and went sit near her friend.

"Look, I'm sorry Lena. It sucks. Maybe give it a week or two and see how you feel. Maybe you will forgive her."

"Forgive her? Sam, she lied to me about her very own identity, she lied to me about being a Super!"

"So, this is what this is about. Her being a Super?"

"No, it's about my best friend lying to me everyday for 3 years. I mean, don't you feel betrayed?"

"Honestly? I feel shocked that Kara is Supergirl. I feel sad that she felt like she couldn't trust us or you with that secret. But at the same time, I think I understand."


"Lena, she is Supergirl. First of all, and I'm not saying that she did, but maybe, maybe, she didn't tell you at first because of your last name. Then she got to know you, she realized you were not like your family. But then your mother came in the picture. And then the Daxamites and their queen who kidnapped you to marry you to her son, who were actually her boyfriend. You already have been through so much, I think she just wanted you to be safe. I mean, she looks like she has lots of enemies, and knowing her identity, it just makes you even more incline to get hurt because of her."

"Maybe. But I would have liked to have a choice."

"You did. You choose to confront her about this. You choose to know her secret. Because let's face it, once you've realized she could be Supergirl, everything just worked out perfectly. I think deep down you knew."

"Couldn't you have told me that before I went to see her?"

Sam smiled at her friend.

"Look, I understand that you are angry. And I understand that you can't trust her completely for now. But try to look at things from her point of view."


"Kara, try to look at things from her point of view. I mean, she's a Luthor, you're a Super, of course she's going to think you became her friend to keep an eye on her."

"But I didn't! I became friends with Lena because she has a good heart. She's smart, and she's funny, and I have a great time when I'm with her. I couldn't care less about her last name."

"Sounds to me like you want to change it to Danvers", mumbled Alex.


"Oh you have super hearing, you heard me."

"You do know that I don't use it all the time, right?"

"Nevermind. Kara, I just think you should give her some space and time, okay? If she forgives you- I mean, when, when she's ready to forgive you, she'll let you know."

"Do you really thing it's when and not if?"

"Honestly I have no idea. You just shot a death glance at me, I felt obligated to say when."

Kara smiled a little before taking a big spoon of ice cream.

"At least, you got your appetite back, it's progress."

"I still don't know how I could have lost it."

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