CHAPTER 5 - It's Sam And Alex's Time

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"So, did you know?", Sam asked Alex when she stopped by Alex's apartment after work a few days later.

"She's my sister, we grow up together. I knew. How, hum, how's Lena?"

"Not good. She's drowning herself into work to not think about this all thing. How about Kara?"

"She spends the most part of her days eating on her couch."

"This is not going to end well, is it?", asked Sam, sitting on a chair.

"Well, not to put pressure on you, but I think it's up to Lena."

"Yeah, I know, this is why I'm saying it's not going to end well."

Alex looked at Sam, concerned.

"She's not going to forgive Kara?"

"If she is, she doesn't show it. And I've tried to talk to her, you know, make her see things from Supergirl's point of view, and honestly, she seemed to be willing to take a step forward a few days ago, but..."

"But what?"

"I stopped by her office today, and I just mentioned Kara's name and she almost kicked me out of her office."

"Dammit. Do you think we should do something?", asked Alex, ready to defend her sister's choice.

"I think we need to give Lena some time. I'm sure she'll come around once she realizes she can't live without Kara."

"So you've noticed too?"

"The sexual tension between them? It's kinda hard to miss."

"I know right! I mean I'm surprised Lena didn't know Kara was Supergirl just by the way she looks at her."

Sam laughed before taking a look at her watch:

"I should go, I promised Ruby I wouldn't be home late."

"Sure, how is she by the way, after the all Reign thing?"

"Better now. You should come visit some time."

"I'd love to."

"And maybe once all of this drama with Lena and Kara is over, we can go on a double date or something", said Sam while putting her jacket back on.

"Sure, yeah", responded Alex, not really sure what she meant by that.

Sam said goodbye and left Alex thinking about the "double date" thing. She knew it wasn't a good time, but she needed to talk to her sister. Maybe this will distract her.


"And she said she wanted to go on a date with you?", asked Kara after hearing Alex's debrief on Sam's visit.

"Not exactly, she said that maybe you could go on a double date with you guys when this is all over."

"Which guys?", asked Kara a little confused.

"You know, you and Lena."

"What? What do you mean me and Lena? There is no me and Lena."

"Kara, one problem at a time."

"Okay, yes. But we're getting back to that later. So, what did you not understand?"

"What did she mean by double date?", asked Alex, still confused.

"I'm pretty sure she meant going on a date. With you."

"No, no, no, I think she meant going out with you guys, to watch over you."

"Alex, Sam is sending you signals!" said Kara, trying to contain her excitement.

"Really? You really think so?"

"Yes! And I think you should go for it"

"I don't know, it could be weird. I mean, Lena is her best friend and you're my sister."

"Alex, don't worry about that. You should have fun and be happy. You deserve it."

Alex smiled and thanked God and Rao in her head for such an amazing sister. Something, of course, she will never repeat at loud.

"Thanks Kara. You're right. Maybe I will."


On her side, Sam had called Lena after Ruby went to bed to check on her. And maybe tell her about Alex. Or not. Depends on Lena's mood.

"So, how are you feeling?"

"Good. I've finished all the work I wanted to do today."

"Lena, you know I'm not talking about that."

"I know."

Maybe this wasn't a good time to tell her she thinks she has feelings for Kara's sister.

"Fine. If you don't want to talk about it, I won't force you. But I should tell you that I might go on a date with Alex sometime."

"Alex? Her sister?"

"Yes. And you don't have to hear about it, I just wanted you to know."

"No. Tell me about it."

"Really?", asked Sam, surprised Lena would even want to talk to her.

"Yes, I need to think about something else. Your love life will do perfectly."

"Well, there is nothing much to tell. I just dropped a hint, and I think she's considering it."

"That's good. I'm happy for you."

"You don't have to pretend, you know."

"I'm not! Of course, I'd rather you find someone less close to Kara, but I guess you don't chose who you fall for."

"Speaking of-"

"No, we are not talking about Kara. Yet. I'm just not sure I'm ready to see her", said Lena.

"Well, that's progress. This morning you couldn't even say her name."

"I- I just don't want to lose her. But I also have a lot of trouble forgiving her."

"I understand. Just give yourself some time, all right?"

"I know, I will. Thank you Sam. For being here for me."

"Of course. You were there for me at my lowest. I'm not going anywhere."

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