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I wake up and there is a package at my doorstep. I pick it up and head to the armory for some more adjustments to my swords. That's when i see E.T. and Sal in the armory.

"What are y'all doing in there? The tournament is gonna start." - Fang

"Yeah the others are already there and besides we are the last battle of today." - Sal

"Oh OK. So why are y'all still here?" - Fang

"Well you see i wanted a cooler outfit for the tournament." - E.T.

"I did too but it seems that the place only has weapons." - Sal

"Well yeah it is the ARMORY." - Fang

"I mean yeah but there is nowhere else to look and i don't want to make one." - Sal

"It OK Bro i got y'all." I put down the package on the table. "In here is some outfits i thought y'all might like."

"Is it for all of us?" - E.T.

"Yeah but y'all can get yours now." i open the box and reveal to them a Goku black GI costume. "This is for you Sal."

"Oh my god. That was the exact one i was thinking about." - Sal

"I got it special made for you dawg." - Fang

Sal sniffles, "man, first fries now this."

"And for you E.T." i pull out a male stripper outfit. "Is this Male stripper outfit."

"Bro, how did you know?!" - E.T

"I just knew. But yeah imma need y'all to take this box over. Don't worry the outfits have everyone's names on it." - Fang

"What are you bout to do?" - Sal

"Imma keep working on my swords, i should be there before our match." - Fang

"OK. Just don't be late." - E.T.

They leave and i got down to business. I open up the forge, take my shirt off, put my eye patch back on and pull out the swords from my hiding spot. And i pull out a notebook. On this notebook is my schematics and designs. I turn to the final project in the book. The sword sin of sloth. It's a great sword where the edges aren't straight but instead a hook/saw type deal. The hilt is made of never wood found in the depths of hell. The guard is the head of a great axe split down the center. The center of the sword where the blade, great axe and hilt meet will be reinforced with a shield and all the part have already been imbued by Domina so only gods and those with the special ring that Domina made me can wield. The sword itself should be a little bigger than my body. The blade itself should be big enough to cover my entire backside. It will also be imbued with magic gems to increase my own abilities. I know it sound Overpowered but it is meant to be a last restore. 6 hours pass. I was able to combine all the part but i have to get to the tournament i'll finish the rest later. The ring should allow me to move normally with it on my back. I head through the door and appear in the waiting room

"There you are Fang; where have you been?!?" - Domina

"Knowing Fang he was probs sleeping." - Sebas

"Yo thanks for the outfits bro." - Lionel

"Yo bro, all i can say is. You my niiggggaa." - Kyoto

"Yeah no prob guys. So how have the battles been so far." - Fang

"Insanely intense." - Sal

"Just look for yourself." - Tento

I turn and see to armies going at it. It was like war.

"You guys think we can do it?" - Fang

"Hell no, you see how many there are?!?!" - Cecilia

"Apollo's team has WON!!!" - the Announcer

"Oh no! It's our turn." Cecilia

"It's too late to back out now." - Caesar

"Next up Domina's Team and Ra's Team." - The Announcer

"Is there any rules before we go in?" - Sebas

"As long as you don't attack the audience you can go as wild as you want." - Domina

"For those of you who don't know, this is the first time the Reaper family will be joining us in years. Where as Ra has placed third constantly in every tournament." - The announcer

"Wish us luck." - Fang

"Were going to need a little more than luck." - Cecilia

"Ah we'll be fine." - Sal

"Ra's army can be counted in the millions. Where as the Reaper family seems to be only sending 13 people. What an unexpected turn of events. It's obvious who's winning this one." - The Announcer

We all line up in front of an army of millions. We all take our positions and get ready

"Let the Battle Begin." - The Announcer

And with that three big blasts are seen appearing from Sal, Kyoto, and Merlin

"The battle has only just begun and it appears that within the first second of the battle three of their fighters seem to have taken out over half of Ra's force."

"Holy shit!" - Cecilia

"Come on Cecilia, we can't let them have all the fun." - Fang

"He's right you know." Caesar places his hand on the ground. The ground begins to shake and seemingly crack taking out even more of their army.

"Yo Caesar was it? Let me get a boulder." - Alpha

"Yeah no problem." Caesar create a square in the ground in front of Alpha. Alpha proceeds to pick it up and throws it at the army. While this occurs, E.T. got to one side of the army and began dancing, cause all and only the males to stop moving and get distracted; he take that to to take them out with his guns. On the other side of the field is Sebas. He uses his testament of love causing all those who allow hatred to take over become paralysed. Lionel was in the center with me and Tento and we were taking care of wave after wave of them. Three more blasts appear from Kyoto, Sal, and Merlin which was a lot stronger than before. As the smoke settled in the colosseum, the ending bell was heard.

"WHAT AN UPSET!!! The Great Army of Ra was annihilated by only 13 people in the matter of 5 minutes. THIS WAS THE FASTEST ROUND OF PRELIMS TO DATE." - The Announcer

"We didn't even get to do anything." - Vasilissa

"I feel kinda lazy." - Cecilia

We leave the colosseum to meet up with Domina.

"That was INCREDIBLE!!! How did you guys do that?" - Domina

"I mean you did told us that we can go all out." - Uartin

"I know your ass aint talking. You didn't even do anything!!" - Kyoto

"Aa bro. I was going to do stuff. I just needed to prepare a bit more." - Uartin

"You mean get high?" - Sebas

"Aa a A Man! Aa." - Uartin

"That's besides the point guys. The point is that we won." - Fang

"Yeah but the was just the prelims. I have a feeling that it's only going to just get even harder from here on out." - Tento

"Ah well be fine." - Fang

"You say that." - Cecilia

Ramblings of a Mad-man: The Celestial TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now