Here Comes a New Challenger

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I open the car door to let her in, you know like a gentlemen, and I turn to look at her and she seem a bit frightened.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah its just I never really rode in one of these things."

"Oh, well, this is a car. It takes you from place to place cause humans can't fly or teleport."

"I know what a car is its just I never rode one before..."

"I see well here." I extend my hand to her. "You can hold my hand and if you feel afraid you can grip my hand tighter and hopefully knowing that I'm here with you and for you; It will allow you to get some eaze."

"Ok." she enters the car and grabs my arm and oh man. I know I said I was a pervert but OH MAN. it was like my arm was sandwiched between two extra soft extra fluffy clouds. It was SO HARD to keep my cool. So I decide to keep myself from getting revealed and stared outside.

She suddenly asked, "So, um, who are going to visit?"

"Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. Well were going to see one of my friends named Sebas. He's a good friend and is pretty close to my house. Also if were lucky someone else I had in mind will be there as well."

"Um... Ok... By the way you've been staring outside this whole time. Is something wrong? Am I making you feel weird?"

"No no it's nothing like that I just like looking outside."


Listen, listen, I know I lied, and I know I said I was pervert and proud BUT what guy in there right mind willingly try and fuck up such a great chance. Look, to the three ladies who may still be reading. The pervertedness may not stop cause I'm a perverted person. But it's because women are fucking awesome.

"What are you thinking about?"


"What are you thinking about?"

"Oh well you see I have a tendency of thinking as if I was a character in a book or something and I say things I think are pretty fun."

"Oh. that's odd. But can I hear it?"
"Hear what?"

"Hear what you think might be so funny."

"You see I would but..." I look around trying to find a reason to avoid the question and I see it. "But were at our destination."

"Ok but this conversation isn't over"

"Oh but you see young padawan the conversation was over before it began."


"You wouldnt understand it, it's a human thing I guess."

"Human thing?"

"Yeah it's something most humans would know. Well americans at least."

"Um ok."

I buzz Sebas apartment and I tell the uber to wait here. A minute later a woman comes down and opens the door.

"Oh hey Fang. I didn't know you were coming over."

"Oh hey Vasilissa. I didn't know you were here today. But i'm glad you are."

"Um ok."

she walks up the stairs. I motion Domina to come along and we headed up. She opens the door and we go in. Vasilissa calls Sebas.

"Sebas we have guests."

Sebas responds with, "I'm in the shower; I'll be out in a sec."

Vasilissa turns back to us, "well you heard the man, for now just make yourself at home."

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