Modern Problems...

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On our way to the next person I started to realize that the next person is probably the last person I can actually ask. The other people I wanted to ask live in Texas. The problem is, I live in New York. It's quite the predicament cause I did have enough money for a trip over but only a one way if I brought Domina too. Granted I don't have to ask them in person, but I felt that if I were to ask them something so serious over text they would probably think I'm joking and shrug it off.


"What wrong?"

"Its nothing. It's just I can't ask all the people I wanted to ask, but it's fine I guess"

"Why not?"

"There just to far away, and if I asked them through text they probably won't take it seriously."

"Why can't we just use the car to get there?"

"Because, the Uber is only willing to go so far and where they are is a lot further than just a few miles."

"Oh... well why don't we just go through the demon world then?"

"Why would we do that?"

"Cause the demon world is a lot smaller than the human world. What 10 miles is in the human world is only a mile in the demon world."

"Oh. that makes things easier."

"I'm glad I could help."

"Yeah, thanks."

I turn to look outside and notice that where here. We get out and I tell the driver that it'll be another ten minutes. I turn around and I ring the doorbell to my next victim. I mean ally.

"Just a minute" can be heard through the speaker, that's when a man that towered over us, walks up to us. I didn't notice him till i notice Domina grabs my arm and kinda tries to hide. I turn to try and see why she was trying to hide, only to see a man who could easily be 6'5". The giant man approaches us and that's when I see his face and immediately I knew.

"AAAA. Alpha; How's it going man, long time no see."

"It IS you fang. Man I taught my eyes were playing tricks on me when I saw you with a girl."

"Ha ha, very funny."

"I know right. But still." Alpha grabs my shoulder puts up a thumbs up, winks and whispers; "Good job."

"Um. you got it wrong bro she not my..."

"Bro you don't have to explain, i understand."

"She's just a friend."

"Oh... anyways what you doing in the neighborhood?"

"I came here to ask Cecilia a question, but since your here I can ask you the question too. If you have time that is."

"Yeah I got some free time."

That's when a woman opens the door

"Hey guys."

"Hey Cecilia. Is it ok if I talk to you for a bit?"

"Yeah. come on in."

The four of us enter her house and take a seat on the couch. Alpha took a seat and noticed that Domina was still hiding from him. So I decided to sit in the center.

"My parents aren't home right now so we can talk as long as you need to."

"Alright cool. So let's get down to business. First how are you Cecilia?"

"I'm good. You?"

"I'm in a bit of a predicament. If you guys haven't noticed already there is someone new here."

Domina get a bit flustered. "Oh. um. Hi."

"This is Domina. She is the grim reaper."

"The what now?"

"The grim reaper. You know the person who takes our souls to the after life when we die."

"Oh OK. So you brought the grim reaper into my house."

"I mean I did."


"I was just getting to that. So the grim reaper has come to me with her woes and..."

Alpha pops in. "Her woes. Really?"

"Aye man let me tell my story."

"Alright man i'm sorry."

"Anyways as I was saying, she came to me and asked me to fight for her in a tournament against demigods to win a wish."

"OK OK. So let get this straight. You brought a person who claims to be a grim reaper into my house. And now your telling me that demigods are real and you going to fight them."

"Yeah, what not to understand?"

"Are you serious?"

"A hunnit percent."

"Wait what did you come here to ask us?"

"I came to ask y'all to help me fight."

"Oh so you want us to fight with you.


"Fang you are way to calm about this."

"I mean Cecilia, let's be honest. Fang is way to calm about everything."

"I mean you not wrong. But doesn't it seem even a little weird to you?"

"Not in the slightest."

Cecilia sighs.



"Alright. I'll help you, you crazy person."

"Cool. how bout you Alpha."

"Huh. Oh I was down the moment you said grim reaper."

"Nice that's 2 more add to the list. Thank y'all again. I gotta go recruit more people so were not out matched."

Me Domina and Alpha head for the door.

As we leave Cecilia says one last thing. "Okay Bye."

Alpha goes his own way and we get back in the Uber.

"Domina, I was wondering, how do we exactly get into the demon world?"

Ramblings of a Mad-man: The Celestial TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now