New Friends

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I suddenly wake up gasping for air. Once I got my breath I realized that i was in a hospital. Before I could even get up a nurse and a doctor rushed into the room and looked at me with a face of surprise and confusion. I wanted to ask what was wrong but I was still a bit out of breath.

The doctor looked at me and asked, "Are you OK?"

I nodded my head yes.

"Can you speak?"

I cleared my throat "Yes."

The nurse turned to the doctor and said, "This isn't possible right?"

The doctor kept his eyes on me as if something was on my face, "Maybe the machine messed up or something."

I struggled to get the words out, "What's... wrong?"

The doctor sat down on my bed next to me and put his hand on my shoulder, "Listen son, I know it can be hard to believe but according to the readings you died 10 minutes ago."


"Well that's what we taught but I guess the machine must've messed up or something."

"Ok... Can I go?"

"No. I want to conduct a few tests on you to make sure everything is OK."

"Can I go after that?"

"Yeah, it should only take about an hour."

3 hours later

"Alright your free to go." the doctor brushes me away towards the door while looking at his chart

"Bye then."

I left the hospital and started to head home and I had noticed that the sun was going to set soon so I called an Uber. I knew no one was at home cause they were on a cruise. I decide to stay back and house sit. I was never a fan of boats anyway. On my way home I wonder if what happened was real, or maybe it was my mind wanting more in life. When I got home I taught about it as I slowly fell asleep. I woke up to the doorbell going off. It was 8 am which is early for me and I taught, what if it was a burglar, but I was too tired to think about it too much and I just answered the door only to be greeted by beauty. A woman with long silky black hair, insanely smooth snow white skin, black ripped jeans, a black T-shirt with a skull and crossbones, and a skull necklace. But of all these things one thing stood out the most; her sapphire blue eyes.

I immediately asked, "Domina Mortem?"

"So you remember me? If that's the case can I come in?"

"Yeah, yeah, come on in."

She walks in and takes a seat on the couch. She looks around as if she's analyzing the room as if she was looking for something. I rub my eyes cause, you know, I just woke up.

"Would you like something to eat for breakfast?"

"Oh I don't need to eat on the count of being the grim reaper but if you insist I would like to have just some normal food."

I head toward the kitchen and open the fridge, "What do you mean by normal food?"

"You know normal food like what you were about to eat."

I start getting ready to make two servings of eggs, bacon, and some coffee, "OK but why are you saying it like that?"

"Well demon world breakfast and human world breakfast can be pretty different I hear."

"So you eat in the demon world even though your a god?"

"Well I am the god of death so i live in purgatory with the rest of my family, it's just that the demon world has better food then the realms of gods. Also I don't get a skin piercing stare everywhere I go in the demon world; so there's that."

I place the plates on the dining table. "I guess that makes sense, breakfast is done by the way."

"Oh thank you." she begins to chow down. "Oh wow this is really good."

"Thanks. My brother likes to teach me stuff about cooking every now and again; I'm sure he would have made something better."

"You shouldn't put yourself down like that. This is incredible. By the way where is your brother?"

"My brother moved out, and my parents are having a world tour with my other brother. Im kinda just stuck house sitting. But enough about my family, what about yours?"

"My father is perverted old man; kinda like you but not as bold or charming."

"Oh?? So you think me charming?"

"Only a little. My mother is retired and just taking it easy."

"Do you have any siblings?"

"Just one. A brother but..."

"But what?"

"I think I overstayed my welcome. She got up and started to head for the door but I grabbed her arm before she could get away.

"Don't be silly; I understand if you don't want to talk about your brother we're friends you can be here for as long as you want." I let go of her arm.

She pauses and looks down as if to be in deep taught. She raises her head and looks at me. "I'm sorry; its just I.."

I cut her over. "Listen we're friends, yes, but if you don't want to tell me something it's fine. I won't force you to do something you don't want to and you shouldn't either. When you feel ready to tell me then you can but until then don't force yourself; and don't think it'll worsen the relationship. Our relationship won't change because you didn't tell me something but when you do tell me that proof that our friendship is getting stronger."

She begins to tear up.

"I sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry."

"No it's not that. I'm happy in fact. Your a really good friend Fang, you're a really good friend."

"Alright let's change the topic. What exactly does fighting for the grim reaper in a tournament between gods entail."

She wipes her face. "It means that you will be fighting against gods and their children and people they trained."

"So not only will i be fighting demigods, but disciples of those same gods."

"Well considering you'd probably be fighting an army every round you may need some allies."

"You have anyone in mind?"

"Maybe some friends?"

"I thought I was your first and only friend."

"You are. I meant your friends."

"Oh." I get up and start clearing the table

"Oh let me help you with that."

"Nah I got it. What kinda host would I be if I made my guest work? You just sit down and enjoy yourself."

"Oh, OK." she reluctantly moves to the couch and sits. "So do you have anyone in mind yet?"

"Yes in fact I do."


"Yep. I have more friends than you might think."

"I understand that but you already have people in mind?!"

"Yep. but before we go recruit them I have a question for you. What's the minimum amount we need to enter?"

"There aren't any rules on how many you can bring the more the merrier in fact."

"Yeah but I don't have THAT many people in mind."

"Any is better than none."

"Alright let's go."

"Right now?"

"Yeah the Uber is outside."

Ramblings of a Mad-man: The Celestial TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now