Texas Time!

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I open the door and we appear at my old apartment. I look around in disbelieve. It felt like the demon world was a dream. Then I turn back to Domina with me and I realize that it was definitely real.

"How did we get to my apartment?"

"The destination we go to is dependent on the person who open the door."

"I guess that makes sense. How much time past while we were in the demon world?"

"Five tenth of a second."


"Time moves a ten times slower in the demon world."
"Oh. by the way how old are you?"

"I would turn 18 this year in human years."

"So your 17."nice

"Why do you ask?"

"Just curious anyway let get going."

"Aren't you gonna call a car?"

"Couldn't you just fly us there?"

"No there are rules about using our powers in the human world. If you liked flying so much you should've told me I would have done it more."

"Yeah lets not do that. We don't need a car cause the guy were looking for lives nearby."

We walked through the park and I notice some children playing on the swings. It reminded me of when I was a kid. But this time I noticed that Domina was looking as well and she smiled. I know she smiled before but this was the first time I actually saw it. She was beautiful. It was like time stopped and a part of me wanted it to never end. But then I came back to reality. There was no way a guy like has a chance in hell to get with goddess like her. Both figurative and literally. But it didn't change how I felt. How her smile made me feel, it was... a feeling I had before and never wanted to forget again. We continued on to my boy's apartment. I knocked on his door expecting his mother or his sister to answer. Instead he answered it himself.


"What's up Kyoto. You got big while I was gone."

"Nah. you just got shorter."

"Haha, fuck you too."

We came in and sat down

"Y'all want something to drink."

Domina timid as all hell, "Wa...water is fine..."

"You already know what I'm gonna ask for."

"Your lucky we got any left."

Kyoto throws me a can of mugs root beer, my favorite drink, and hands Domina a glass of water.

"So whats up. Why you in Texas again."

"I came to ask you something."

"So you brought your ass over a thousand miles just to ask me a question?"

"I mean we could chill a bit if you want to."

"We could. But why did it take your ass so fucking long to come down here."

"Cause I didn't really have the money to come."

"You say that and yet you brought your ass all the way down here just to ask me a question."

"I mean I..."

"No nigga. Your ass couldn't come down here to see Lionel and them graduate. But you can come down here to just ask me a question"

"I mean I didn't come down to just ask you."

"So you only came down just to ask us a question. You selfish prick."

Ramblings of a Mad-man: The Celestial TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now