The Note

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I wake up, in my bed. Like any other day. Like nothing even happened. I wondered if it was all just a dream. I know kinda cliche but I really didn't want it to be. I enjoyed being able to see my old friends again. I don't want to forget that. I don't want to forget her.

As I began to get up i started to smell something. I knew that no one was home except me so i immediately thought that maybe I left the stove on or something. So I open my door in a panic to only be greeted by someone cooking.

"Oh good morning. Did I wake you?"

"Hell yes. I thought I left my stove on and the house was burning down."

"Oh i'm sorry. I just thought that I should pay you back for yesterday by making you some food."

"You can cook? Wait is this a breakfast from the demon world?"

"First off; RUDE. of course I can cook. And yes it is a breakfast from the demon world."

"This'll be interesting." I took a seat at the table

"What's that supposed to mean?" she places a plate in front of me.

I look at it and it seems to be... glowing and... transparent?. "It means what it means."

I take my fork and I take a bit out of what seems like a tail of something

"Sooo? What do you think?"

"It's better than I thought."

"See i told you I could cook."

"I mean it's not that bad but what exactly it?"

"Its dragon tail. Well a demon dragon tail."

"Huh. Well it's pretty good."

"Thank you. I worked on it all morning."

"All morning? How do you have so much free time?"

"I have weekends off."

"But I taught there can only be one grim reaper?"

"There can only be one active grim reaper at a time. All that means is that we are the figure head for diplomatic events and such. Most of the time other people are doing the work in the background I am meant to just sit there and look pretty."

"I guess that job is perfect for someone like you."

"What's THAT supposed to mean?!?"


"You meany."

"I didn't say anything though."

"Yeah whatever."

I begin to clear out the table.

"Oh, can I help with that?"

"Sure, I see nothing wrong with that."

We cleaned the table. I brewed some coffee and we sat on the couch.

"Fang... I've been thinking..."

"Thinking about what exactly?"

"I wanted to tell you the truth."

"The truth?"

"I know you said that I shouldn't force myself to tell you things but, after what you did for me after seeing you ask your friends. Not knowing all the detail but you are still so willing to help me. I didn't feel like it was fair not to tell you the real reason for my entering the tournament... its my brother."

"I assumed as much."

"My brother... he's been kidnapped. I don't know who or how. But the people who took him sent me a letter a few days ago." While she was trying to hold back tears, she handed me a letter. I look at her then I take the letter and opened it. It reads:

Ramblings of a Mad-man: The Celestial TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now