Chapter 9

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The next morning

Your alarm started ringing, it was 8 in the morning. You sat up and turned it off.

Y/N: Why the hell is my alarm on. Did it ring everyday while i was gone.? Ugh, so annoying.

You got up and went to the bathroom, washed your face and brushed your teeth.

Y/N: I miss Hoseok.. Being in the restroom reminds me of the embarrassing thing we both went through the first night i spent there.

You put your hair up in a bun and went back to your room.

Y/N: I wonder if he's awake..should i text him?

You quickly grabbed your phone and sent him a text.

Y/N: I'll go make breakfast..I'm going to leave my phone charging, I hope that by the time i come back inside my room you've replied.

You got out and walked downstairs.

You made breakfast and after sat down to eat.

Dad: Good Morning hun!

Y/N: Good Morning dad, I made breakfast for you too in case you want to eat.

Dad: Aw, thanks baby.

He served himself a plate and sat down with you.

Hoseok's POV

Hoseok: Did i get a text?? It must be y/n!

Hoseok was taking a shower and his phone was on the counter. He turned the water off and reached for his towel.

His phone was on top of his towel which was on the counter..i just want to reply to y/n quick..he reached and pulled his towel.

Right when he pulled the towel his phone fell into the toilet

He quickly wrapped the towel around him and got out the shower

Hoseok: Shit! I just dropped my phone inside the toilet. Why am i going through hell right now! How am i going to reply now, i'm sure you texted me.

Why am i like this..I feel like i can't do anything now that you're gone.

Hoseok: I'm seriously going crazy.

These eight months felt like forever, even if it hasn't been long I feel like I've known you for a long time, I can't go without seeing you.


Y/N: Did you enjoy breakfast dad?

Dad: Yes, it was delicious!

Y/N: I'm glad, well then i'll go ahead and clean the dishes.

Dad: No it's okay, I'll wash the dishes. Go on upstairs hun.

Y/N: Really? Thanks dad, I'll wash them next time.

You quickly walked to the stairs and went up to your room.

Dad: yesterday she was upset and she's all happy now, I wonder if something good happened..

Y/N: Did he reply??

You grabbed your phone and turned it on..but there was no new messages from Hobi

He didn't reply...should I call him..

Y/N: I'll just call him once. If he has time he should reply in no time..

You called hobi and waited for him to pick up but he didn't answer.

Y/N: no he still spending time with his dad? Maybe i'm being to impatient, I'll wait for him to text back

The day passed by quick and there wasn't a single reply from him, Just like the rest of the first, second and third week...

It's been 3 weeks since you and Hobi have last seen each other and haven't talked since.

By now you thought Hoseok had moved on or forgot about you since you weren't living with him anymore.

You've been skipping meals, and haven't been going out for all these days..your dad was starting to get worried about you.

You were sitting down on your bed and then you heard a knock on your door.

Y/N: Come in.

Your dad walked in and sat down next to you.

Dad: Baby, I can't keep seeing you like this. Tell me what's wrong.

Y/N: Nothing's wrong, I'm fine.

Dad: You've been skipping meals and you haven't been out at all. I want you to eat and stay healthy. I have something to tell you.

Y/N: What is it? Are you okay dad?

Dad: I'm fine baby, but i have bad news.

Y/N: Bad news? About what

Dad: It's not about me though.

Y/N: Appa! If they don't have to do with you then why are you telling me, I don't care if they have to do with someone else.

You laid down and threw the covers over you.

Dad: Even if their about Hoseok? Well, then..

Y/N: Hoseok???

You quickly threw the covers off and sat up.

Dad: Yes, I don't want to get you more upset but you have to know.

Y/N: What is it?? Dad please tell me.

Dad: He's been sick lately..really sick and i think the ambulance was on it's way there.

Y/N: What!?? What about uncle? is he not with him?

Dad: He went out to do some paperwork, Hoseok called me just now, i'm sure it was because he didn't want to worry his dad.

Y/N: He's alone? No, I have to go see him!

You quickly got up and put your coat on

Dad: The driver is waiting outside in the car, he knows where you're heading.

Before leaving your dad pulled you back, hugged you and kissed your forehead.

Y/N: Dad..?

Dad: I'll miss you hun, go see him before something worse happens!

Without knowing what that was all about, you ran downstairs and out the house.

Dad: I couldn't keep seeing you suffer like this. I guess you weren't too confident in telling me, but i'm always here for you.

He got a call and picked it up

Dad: Hey, Kyung ho. Are you ready?

"Yes, I'll pass by your house and we go from there"

Dad: Y/N should be on her way to see Hoseok already, she left as soon as i told her.

"I'm sure he'll be happy as soon as he see's her"

Dad: I know she'll be happy as well, did you leave the note in the living room?

"Yes, I left it where is noticeable. y/n might see it once she goes inside"

Dad: I wonder if she's almost there..

"I do too, let's wait and see if they call us before we leave. I'm almost at your house, let's be quick and not be late"


You've been sick and you haven't told me anything, I'm so pissed at you but i don't care about that right now.

I just hope you're okay Hoseok..

Falling for Eachother |J.HS | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now