Chapter 6

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Hoseok closed the door and stared at you.

Tears started rolling down your cheeks and you quickly wiped them off.

Hoseok: Stop crying, I don't want to see you like this.

Y/N: I'm not crying because of you.

Hoseok: Are you sure it's not because of me? Y/N, whatever you saw was a misunderstanding.

Y/N: I don't care if it was a misunderstanding. It was clear enough for me to see you and that girl. Why had me act as your girlfriend if you already had one?

Hoseok: It's not what it looks like! Listen to me.

Y/N: I hate myself for starting to like you. I took this fake relationship way too serious. I shouldn't be mad, It's not like it was real from the very beginning. You should go with your girlfriend-

You looked down and Hoseok walked towards you, he pulled you close to him and hugged you tightly.

Y/N: Hoseok! What are you doing, let go! 

Hoseok: It's not what it looks like! She's a student from my old school. I was like a big brother to her, she's not anything to me.

Y/N: I don't believe you. The way you smiled and hugged her tightly seemed like she's more than that. She seemed special to you.

Hoseok: She's not. You're the one who's special to me, only you!

Y/N: me? Special to you. Oh, please. First of all you're like your friends and what makes you think i'm going to believe you. Just leave me alone, please.

You kept feeling more pain and sadness as you and Hoseok talked.. I'm the one taking thing's too far? perhaps because I really like him and knowing the truth hurts.

You avoided making eye contact with him by turning your head to the side with your arms crossed in front of your chest.

Hoseok: Y/N.

He grabbed both of your hands and brought you close to him, placing his hands on your face and pulling you in for a passionate kiss.

As he kissed you, you took steps back until hitting your bed. He slowly pushed you back and laid you down, hovering over you and pinning your arms above your head.

Y/N: Hoseok..

Hoseok: Y/N! You're special to me. I have feeling's for you! I've been wanting to tell you this but I didn't know if it was too soon. I don't want to see you cry, especially because of me. I'm sorry if what you saw made you feel like this. But, it's not what you think, I have real feelings for you. I like you, Y/N, I really do.


You looked into his eyes and noticed his eyes were watery.

Your heart was beating faster than usual, somehow seeing his eye get watery made you feel bad. I want to hug you tight and say I like you too..

Without saying anything you slowly sat up and wrapped your arms around Hobi's neck.

Y/N: It makes me upset that I've made you like this, I'm sorry..

Hoseok: Then you believe me? I like you y/n. These feelings I have for you are real and I want to show you.

Y/N: Yes, I like you too! but, I don't want to keep faking to be your girlfriend.

Hoseok: We won't fake this anymore, Let's be real now. Y/N, be my girlfriend?

You looked down with a smile and softly nodded.

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