Question 28

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"A) When did you last cry in front of another person? B) By yourself?"

"Another two parter. He needs to stop cheating." Cas declared.


"Your turn to go first."

"Why is it MY turn to go first?"

"Because I went first last time! And a bunch of times before that!"

"Ugh, fine."

"Start with part A,"

"Yeah, I'm starting with part A, you geek," Dean snatched the card and reread it. "Um...."

"Take your time."

"The last time I cried in front of somebody was three months ago," Dean admitted. "It was in front of Bobby. He had told me that whenever I wanted, he would be more than willing to take Sam in and keep him away from my Dad. I mean, I'd always known that was an option for us and my mom, but for him to tell me right to my face that any time I were to drop him off at Bobby's, he'd be able to stay for as long as I needed him too... It just meant a lot and it caught me off guard." Dean shook his head. "You know every day I think about packing Sammy up and letting him move in with Bobby. Just to keep him safe. But Sam refuses to leave us, so he'll never go. Doesn't stop me from considering it though."

"Well, if you do ever do that," Cas offered. "I'm sure Sam would understand that you were keeping him away for his own safety."

"He'd be pissed at me for staying behind."

"He'd get over that and understand eventually."

"Eventually," Dean said miserably.

"What about part B?"

"Last week," Dean replied. "Dad got mad, I'm sure you can figure out what happened. It never used to bother me, getting beat. But now it just brings me back to the night Adam died, and sometimes that just gets to be too much."

"No one can blame you for that."

"I suppose so," Dean forced a smile. "But enough about my depressing life. Your turn to answer the probing question."

"The last time I cried in front of someone was two weeks ago," Cas said. "I was rewatching the Harry Potter movies with my friend Charlie, and Dobby died. We bawled like babies."

"I refuse to even watch that part of the movies anymore."

"I normally don't watch it, but she made me."

"Big mistake."

"Definitely," Cas sighed. "And the last time I cried by myself, I guess was.....Mother's day."

"Mother's Day?" Cas stared at the ground.

"Well, it's like you said. Everybody needs a mother, right? And I know its stupid to even think about mine because I know she doesn't think about me, but sometimes it just really bothers me that she's not around. That she doesn't even send a letter or try to see us. I mean, she hasn't seen me since I was a baby, and she doesn't even care. What kind of person does that? Sometimes it just gets to me that she really doesn't car,e and that hurts."

"Well, if she doesn't care, then it's not worth you wasting your time thinking about her."

"See I know that. It just doesn't make anything easier."

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