Question 11

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"Take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible."

"Oh god." They both groaned, and Cas fiddled with his watch for a timer. 

"Who wants to start?" He asked.

"You go first," Dean suggested. 

"Alright, here goes nothing." Cas clicked on the timer and began. 

"I was born here in Lawrence, the youngest of four kids. My dad's name is Chuck, my mother left shortly after I was born, and we haven't heard from her since. My older brother's name is Lucifer yes, he is Satan, then there's my sister Anna, who's basically been like a mother to us all. Then there's Gabriel, then me. I'm a bookworm, I suck at sports, I play the piano and the violin like my sister, and I make awesome cupcakes. My father is a writer and I intend to follow in his footsteps, hopefully in playwriting, but we'll see what happens. I have a cat named Whiskers, Anna named him, not me, and he's wider than my head. I once chipped my tooth falling down the stairs, and I've broken my arm twice on the same trampoline. My best friend's name is Charlie, she's an even bigger nerd than I am, and I'm allergic to strawberries. I don't have many friends, I don't like parties. I'm socially awkward, I occasionally like pineapple on my pizza, and I'm officially out of time."

"Talk about a basic rundown." Dean commented.

"Exactly. Your turn."

"Hold on, give me a minute to process your entire life for a second."

"Take all the time you need."

"....Okay, ready." Cas reset the timer, and it began once more.

"I was born in Lebanon, Kansas, and my family moved here like two years ago after the death of my older brother Adam, but we're not going to talk about him so don't ask. I have a younger brother named Sam, he's a genius. My mom can't cook for crap, but I eat what she makes anyway, and my Dad is an utter asshole, and we're not going to talk about him either. My father figure is my godfather, an awesome old guy named Bobby. He runs an auto body shop here, and I hope to one day take over it once he retires. I drive an old 67 Chevy Impala that my brothers and I fixed up ourselves. I'm damn proud of it. I love pie, hate people that fight for no reason, and I'm secretly a sucker for chick flicks, don't you dare tell a soul. I watch Jeopardy, I'm a culture nerd, I love road trips and Classic rock, and 80's and 90's movies. I'm an old school kinda guy. I used to play football in Lebanon, but not anymore. I was a decent linebacker, but now I don't do any sports, even though I'll still watch it. I'm a Colts fan, take it or leave it, and I love burgers. Don't ever wear sunglasses inside with me around, and I'm more loyal to my little brother than anything else in this world and your watch is beeping so I assume I'm out of time."

"Interesting," Cas commented. "...What happened to Adam-"

"I LITERALLY said don't ask."


"Cas, look, I'm sorry, but I really don't want to talk about it, okay?"

"Okay," Cas stepped down, his curiosity running wild.

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