Question 21

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"What roles do love and affection play in your life?"

"Man, this is a long game of twenty questions," Dean commented.

"Recount. 36 questions." Cas reminded him. "We're only on 21."

"It was a figure of speech."

"If you say it was."

"....Do you still want to go outside?"

"Yes." They exchanged a glance, and then bolted for the door, Cas snatching the note cards as they ran out.

They nearly trampled a blond guy on their way out.

"Are you guys done already?" He questioned.

"Hell no," Dean rolled his eyes. "We're going outside."


"Correction," Cas offered, planting an arm on Dean's shoulder. "We felt that we could better answer your intruding questions in an open, fresh air environment instead of a room resembling an interrogation center. Is that a problem?"

"Nope," Balthazar shook his head, making a note on a clipboard. "But could you repeat that? That sounded smart. You sound smart. How much do you want to write my paper on this assignment?"

"I don't know anything about your project."

"Neither do I." Cas smiled.

"Good luck buddy," Dean commented.

"You're gonna need it," Cas agreed. They ran by, darting out the school's back entrance. They ended up out on one of the baseball fields, lounging in the grass with the sun on their faces.

"Much better," Dean declared.

"Good idea, right?"

"I should listen to you more often."

"Yes you should."

"But you should also listen to me more often."

"Isn't part of this project about learning to listen to people?"

"I don't know what it's about- hell, even the guy running it doesn't know. Maybe you SHOULD write his paper."

"Maybe. He looked fancy though, maybe I'll raise the price, buy my way through college through his papers."

"Ooooo, good idea." Dean gazed lazily up at the sky. "You're probably gonna go to some fancy school, aren't you?"

"Maybe. Depends on where I get in. What about you?" Dean shrugged.

"Don't need much of a college education to be a mechanic. Community college works just fine for me."

"But don't you want something more than that?"

"Nah. Not worth it. Besides, all the money we save on me not going to a big school will help us pay for Sammy to go to Law School."

"He wants to be a lawyer?"

"Yeah. After what happened with our dad's case, he told me he wanted to be a lawyer so that he could stop men like my dad's lawyer from winning. He's a stubborn little kid."

"Well at least he's got you looking out for him."


"Alright! Back to the questions, mister. What roles do love and affection play in your life?"

"Well, you kinda know already. My brother and I are ridiculously close. He's the only one I really show affection with. And my mom loves us, I know that, even if she doesn't show it much. Bobby cares about us a lot though. He's the affection one. Always giving me hugs. He says I need them, but I don't know if I do. It's nice though. What about you?"

"A big role, I guess. I mean, my dad and my siblings are always showing affection. We have food fights and stuff. Keeps us close, keeps us happy. We all love each other, even Michael. His parents aren't a big fan of the fact that he's gay, so we've kinda taken him under our wing whether he likes it or not."

"Good for him."


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