Question 4

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"What would constitute a perfect day for you?" They both thought on that one for a minute.

"You go first," Dean offered. 

"Well, it would have to be a day where we didn't have school," Cas began. "I wake up late, eat some awesome pancakes, and spend the whole day curled up on a comfy couch with soft blankets reading my favorite books and drinking grape soda. Simple."

"How aesthetic."

"Hey, it's my favorite day, and you don't get to rank on it."

"What do you put on your pancakes?"


"Well, only psychopaths or people in a hurry eat plain pancakes, so I assume there's at least some syrup on them, or butter, if you're into that. What do you put on your pancakes?"

"They're cinnamon pancakes, actually. My sister's recipe. Sometimes we pour a can of apple pie filling over them and make apple cinnamon pancakes."

"That sounds amazing."

"It is."

"But then again, I live for anything involving anything pie related. Love pie."

"Pie as in the dessert, or pie as in 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028-"

"Oh my god, you're a nerd."

"Simple question."

"Pie as in the FOOD. Whether it's dessert, breakfast, a birthday pie, I'm not picky. Just gimme the pie and nobody gets hurt."

"What kind of pie do you like?"

"All of them."

"Yeah, but what's your favorite?"

"Cherry or Apple, probably. I've got a real soft spot for pecan, though, and in the fall you gotta have pumpkin. Chocolate creme gets a bad rap, but it's pretty good. Lemon meringue is a lot better, but everyone's got their own opinion. My Aunt Ellen makes a mean forest berry pie, though, and there's a little diner in Maine that has blueberry pie I'd kill for."

"Okay, now I'm starting to see why you said all of them."

"You can't get me started on pie, Cas, I'll never shut up."

"That's me with Harry Potter,"

"Oh yeah? What's your Hogwarts House?"


"They're next to the kitchens, right?"


"Think you could slip this Gryffindor some pie?" Cas laughed. 

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