Question 17

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"What is your most treasured memory?"

"Uuuhhhhhh," Both boys offered in  unison.

"Who wrote these questions?" Dean asked. "Some of them seem like meaningless sentimental crap."

"Maybe they think that the meaningless sentimental crap will help us get an idea of what our partner is like," Cas offered.

"That's stupid."

"If you say so,"

"Why did I sign up for this?"

"Because you wanted to get out of math class."

"Right....." Dean glanced around the room. "How are they even supposed to know if we're answering these?"

"They don't."

"So we don't actually have to do all of them."

"We're stuck in here until we finish them all."

"No interruptions?"

"Have there been any so far?"


"Then no."

"What if it takes us a whole day to answer them?"

"Then it takes all day."

"But what are the rules of this thing? Do we get bathroom breaks? Food? Or are they just going to leave us to starve until we finish answering the questions?"

"You're not going to starve."

"How do you know? I haven't eaten anything since last night!"

"Well,t hat's unhealthy. But logically, it takes about ten days for you to die of starvation. Sometimes it takes longer though."

"How do you even KNOW that?"

"My brother is a psychopath."

"Well, if we're talking about Satan, then that makes sense."

"We are and it does. He was properly named." Dean fiddled with his hands, and then dramatically leaned back in his chair with a groan. "What?"

"I'm BORED."

"Then answer the question."

"That's BORING."

"My god, you're a toddler."

"Am not!"

"Then stop acting like one." Dean scowled at him and climbed up to sit on the table. 

"I'll stop acting like a toddler when you stop acting like 40 year old grumpy woman."

"I do not act like a 40 year old grumpy woman!"

"Yes you do."

"No I don't!"

"Yes you do."

"No, I-"







"Now who's acting like a child?" 

"ARGH!" Cas threw his hands up and groaned. "Do you always get this way when you've been cooped up in a room for too long?"

"Depends on the room." Cas sighed and glanced out the window. The fields behind the school stared back at him, the sun shining. It looked like paradise, but they were trapped in Purgatory.

"Hey," Cas started. "Did they ever say we had to STAY in the room while answering the questions?"

"I dunno, you're the one who read the directions."

"I don't think they did."


"SO, you wanna take these stupid note cards and go outside?" Dean tilted his head.

"Is this your way of distracting my inner child so that I'll stop acting like one?"


"You are way too mentally mature for this school."

"I get told that a lot."

"Well maybe my inner child wants to stay inside to defy you."

"Whatever. Do what you want, just answer the question."

"Oh, reverse psychology. Nice one."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

"I could if I wanted to."

"Then why don't you?" Cas shrugged, a smirk toying at his face. 

"Do you want the honest or the dirty answer to that question?" Dean laid down on the table, glancing over at Cas.

"What do you think?" He grinned.

"I could shut you up," Cas offered. "But you might moan a little." Dean;s grin widened.

"Oooo, the geek's got a dirty mind. Me likey."

"Oh my god,"

"My body is yours, man with fanfiction blue orbs."


"Eyes. I meant eyes."

"You said orbs."

"Because in fanfiction, the word eyes gets replaced with orbs. I'd expect you to know that, seeing as you probably write it."

"But you'd have to read fanfiction to know that."

"And what if I do?"

"Then you're a nerd."


"Ever read smut?"

"I'm a hormonal teenager. What the hell do you think?"

"Ever read gay smut?"

"Is there any other kind?"

"Is that your treasured memory of choice?"

"No, but you implying that you'd shut me up by making me moan is definitely up there."

"Oh, so you'd like that?"

"I'd like anything that doesn't involve these stupid questions."

"Wanna go outside?"

"Why, so we can frolic in the grass like the gay people we are?"

"No, so that we can get out of this dull soul sucking room."

"See, we could do that," Dean sat up, smirking at Cas. "Or we can see what else in this room can suck." 

Cas shoved him off the table.

"MY MOST TREASURED MEMORY," Cas began as Dean glared at him. "Was THAT."

"My most treasured memory was fixing up my car with my brothers. There. Happy?"

"I'll be happy if we go outside."

"You know we can't screw if we're outside." Cas sighed.

"Well then I guess we'll have to remain here forever because that's DEFINITELY going to happen."

"And the geek knows sarcasm, you're full of surprises."

"Shut up,"

"Make me,"

"Oh here we go again."

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