Why you Hate School and Alarm Clocks Part II

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Yeah I know I said I'd do it directly after, but sadly I didn't. Please don't be mad at me.

Alarm Clocks:

It's not really the sound itself that bothers people for the most part. It's what's associated with it. Yeah I know you all are probably thinking, But I cringe when I hear a sound even remotely similar to it! Did you read what I just said? You're cringing because you are subconsciously thinking about waking up at six in the morning. If it's later or earlier for you whatever the point still applies.

What exactly is associated with the noise? Being jolted awake and having to get out of your warm bed to start the day. It's annoying and the alarm clock may seem to be making it worse.

I was looking for the answer to our alarm clock issues, and as you probably know I get distracted as easily as a puppy or even dog for that matter does when they see humans they don't normally see. I stumbled across an article with alarm clocks that are definitely going to get you out of bed. So if you're having trouble, it's your lucky day.

1. The carpet clock. You have to get up and stand on that part of your carpet to turn it off.

2. The retracting alarm clock. This one hangs above your head and you must hit it to snooze it. That's not the problem though. The more you snooze it, the higher it gets the ceiling. Eventually you'll have to get up in order to snooze it.

3. The Snooze You Loose. It hooks up to your bank account and gives ten dollars to an organization of your choice. That's not too bad, right? Wrong. It's an organization of your choice, but you're supposed to pick an organization you don't like. Then you can't say oh well, at least the money's going to a good cause. To you it's not.

If you're a pro procrastinator, I don't recommend this to you. Why? If you are, then no amount of reason will affect you. This will lead you to thinking, "Oh well, I don't want to, so I won't." Then you'll end up putting all your hard earned cash towards the hated organization and you just did two things.

1.Wasted all are your money.

2. Went broke or close to it since you still have the money in your wallet.

4. Aphelion. This one hurls a ball across your room, and you must find said ball in order to activate the snooze function. Pretty much, if you are bad at finding things and your room isn't the neatest, you're screwed.

5. The Tocky Touch Rolling Clock. It rolls off the surface you put it on and forces you to chase it. Wonderful right? I doubt it. It sounds kind of cool though.

The Evil Ones.

Let's just say if you thought those were evil, it's about to get a whole lot worse.

1. Time is Money. You put a dollar of some amount into it. I think you know where this is going. The longer you sleep in, the more it shreds. Yes, you did read that right, it will shred your money. I wonder if you could like stop it mid shred. I guess that still wouldn't be good though because I doubt anybody would accept partly shredded money. This is still a concept, but it said in the article that it should be easy to make. I don't understand how that could be, but if you've got any ideas, either message me or post it in the comments and I'll make a chapter on it. Don't worry if you're not the first one with an idea or it's quite a while later before you've read this chapter, I can just as easily make a chapter or add to the one that's up.

2. The name for this one has a curse word in it, so I can't tell you it.  This one rolls off the surface you sit it on when you go past your alarm clock time. It may look cute, but it purposely seeks dark corners to make it harder to find. I would take my IPod, blast music, and then go searching for the evil thing, so I wouldn't have to endure the noise while it's searching.

3. Pain in the Brain This one makes you do math to shut it off. That'll be fun half asleep right? No!

4. Peer Pressure. This is my favorite one. I actually want one! Although I would kind of have to get a phone first. . . but yeah I'd love this evil thing! I'd have to let it call someone the first time to see what happens though.

Pretty much it hooks up to your phone and every three minutes that it goes off it calls a random person in your contact list.

Speaking of alarm clocks. I was searching for stuff about why we hate them and I found why we shouldn't use our phones as an alarm clock.

1. You should be spending an hour before going to bed not looking at a glowing screen. You are most likely spending your last minutes before passing out looking at your phone if you decide to use your phone for that purpose.

2. Holding your phone first thing in the mornign means that you might do more than just turning off your alarm. It will make you have to rush through your morning routine.

3. If you wake up, your phone in arm's reach and when you can't fall back asleep you will start to do stuff on it. Then before you know it, an hour will have passed and you'll be even more wired.

4. Phone alarms sometimes aren't as effective or loud as your real alarm clock anyway.

Hatred of School

Top Ten Reasons Why:

1. Homework

2. Getting up in the morning

3. Bullies

4, It's just boring

5. Annoying people (like myself hehe)

6. Grades

7. Mean teachers

8. People cheating

9. Summer math packets

10. Heavy books

Why we Hate Math:

1. Sometimes it's a misunderstanding. Some of us think it's either you get it or you don't

2. Math can be considered dry

3. There is always only one right answer

Why we Hate LAR:

1. Some think everything has to be perfect on the first draft and when they don't know something they shut down.

2. There is usually more than one answer and that confuses some people.

3. For some, writing requires too much extra effort.

4. Some are just overwhelmed with everything that goes into writing, and since you're being graded on every little thing for the most part, they might begin to fear failure.

5. What the student had to read about bored them. Now he has to write about it. He obviously won't want to.

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