How to Get Stuff Done While Havig Fun

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I think this is kind of related to psychology. I was on YouTube just now, and I was watching this video about comparing yourself to other people. The YouTuber said you should be comparing yourself to yourself not to others, and I was at first like, "How do you compare yourself to yourself??" And I still don't understand that, but the next thing she did in the video gave me an idea.

As a shot of her playing a guitar played on the screen, it showed +500XP on the screen and it showed her doing two other things. On the the third thing she leveled up and got excited and happy.

My idea is to make the idea a reality. Every time you complete an important task that'll bring yourself closer to being who you want to be or you had the will power to actually begin the work, give yourself some points. Have a system though. Like, every 15 points you level up. It's like a video game!

Also, don't forget to keep track or you'll end up not caring. I suggest using a whiteboard or get a notebook specifically for that purpose. Maybe do something nice for yourself to keep yourself motivated to gain levels??

I don't know I just thought of it and had to write it down. I think the YouTuber meant it as a joke but it's a good system.

I think it'll keep you motivated. I hope you try it.

This is what mine looks like:

No reading until you reach level 1. At level 1 you can read for 25 minutes and after that, you can't read again until you reach the next level. (You'll only be able to read 25 minutes again)

5 points to reach level 1.
10 points to reach level 2.
15 points to reach level 3.
And so on. Points start over every new level.

How to gain points:
Do chores
Finish a chapter in The Phobia Killer
Complete a homework assignment

Why I picked reading: I picked reading because 1. I'm a bookworm. 2. If I get to an interesting part in a book and then the 25 minutes are up its going to motivate me to gain more points so I can level up and read.

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