Alarm Clocks and School

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 Okay before I just jump right in here I want to say a few things. First of all, I'm sorry it's been weeks since I update this. I don't know what happened, but I finally finished the one I've been planning to finish since before I even posted this book on wattpad.

A lot of us hate school. A lot of us probably hate alarm clocks too. Have you ever asked yourself why? I did. I don't hate school and I certianly don't hate all of my classes. There are actually a few I enjoy, but not everyone does, so I'm getting to the bottom of this.

Okay. Some of us hate the sound alarm clocks make. The question is why? At first when you first started hearing that alarm clock when you started kindergarten or whatever, you were probably okay with hearing that sound all the time.

Now you're in middle school or high school. Some of us even cringed when hearing a sound on the television that makes a sound like it or is an alarm clock.

Why? Here is what I have come up with.

1.You've heard it for years. Just like if you listen to a song a million times it gets annoying. The same goes for the alarm clock.

2.You are being waken up so early in the morning that anything waking you up is probably annoying especially if you don't like school in the first place.

3. This is the reason you cringe when you here an alarm clock on the television. It reminds you of waking up early every morning for school plus like I said earlier you've heard it so many times it's just plan annoying.

Now onto why I think most people hate school. I'm going to make a list of all the subjects I can think of and then tell you how they make a kid hate school over all.









Industrial Tech.


First off the teacher that teaches this class might not be very nice in the kid's eyes. This is not always the case though. Sometimes the teacher is in fact really nice.

Some kids hate math because they don't understand it. You really just cannot like something you don't understand sometimes.

Another reason kids hate math because it just flat out bores them. The teacher may make it extremely boring for them or math just really isn't a subject that the kids interested in.

Another reason the students hate math is because the question are sometimes quite easier in class and when you get the homework it gets a little harder or the teacher doesn't go over how to do the worded questions and the student doesn't know which numbers to use where.

Another reason is because the teacher lies to you. The teacher tells you that you will use everything they teach you in life. Then you go home and ask your parents and grandparents if they've ever used some of those things. You know what the say? Nope never had to use some of those things. In fact I guarantee you if you asked your parents and grandparents if they even remember half the stuff they learn they'll tell you they don't.

The final reason I can think of? Homework. Your get homework every night. Nobody likes that. Or atleast I'm almost possitive no one loves homework.


Firstly the teacher might not be very nice in the kid's eyes. This again, is not always the case. The teacher may be really nice.

Science might confuse you. Maybe something about it just doesn't make sense in your eyes.

It might just be a subject that doesn't interest you. Or maybe it would interest you if the teacher wasn't so boring. Maybe the teacher drones on and on just like the teacher stereotype. That might make science, a subject you once loved, a dreaded class.


Now this is always going to be something I will never understand. Why? Because LAR is my absolute favorite subject. I know some people don't like it though.

First off, the teacher may make it boring or you just aren't interested in it. I know this is one I repeat a lot, but the reason we hate some classes can sometimes be the same reason you hate another class.

The stereotypical teacher may be teaching your class, so it bores you. So yeah you have that teacher that doesn't really care and is nothing but the stereotype.

Maybe it's not a subject that interests you. That's cool. Maybe you'd much rather learn about something that's important to you.

Maybe something about it is confusing. I love LAR or English, but it can definitely be confusing. The most confusing thing is the definitions of prediction and inference. When you're not actually doing them, there is a fine line between the two, and when you are told to write the definitions of the two, it may be hard to know where that line is. I, a lover of LAR and writing was a little bit confused as to what to write for inference. I knew prediction meant to make a guess as to what happens next based on what has already happened, but I had to look up inference just to make sure I wrote down the write definition. The right definition by the way, is to make a guess based on prior knowledge. Kind of similar right? I think so.

Wow that was a long paragraph! Sorry about that.

Another thing is homework. If you goof off too much in class or are in an honors class, homework might overwhelm you. Careful what you do in class or else you might have homework. Do the work and you'll be okay.


History may just not be something that interests you. Maybe you don't understand why you'll need to know about a bunch of people who have already died. When you ask the teacher this they usually tell you, “Well you see Jimmy, if you become an archaeologist or *insert other jobs that would need you to know about history*, you'll need to know this stuff.” That's when your sitting there thinking those jobs sound boring, and you don't think you'll be doing those jobs.

In my opinion if it's only supposed to help you with those careers, then it's a class that should be taught in college or something where you're learning about something to get you prepared for your future job. It shouldn't be a class everyone has to endure for only a select few to ever use again in there life time! To me that makes no sense. If that is the only reason you will tell us then why are you teaching everyone history?

Now, I know I'm not defending history right now, but I don't hate it either. If you get put in the right class, it can be fun. If you're put in the wrong class, even for the people who love to learn about history, it will be a hard class to enjoy. There's another reason. Your teacher makes it boring. If you're lucky your teacher will make it fun.

If all your classes are boring because of the stereotypical teacher, I feel really bad for you. If that is the case, whoever picks the teachers for your school, needs to rethink things and get better teachers.

In the next chapter I will tell you how to fix some of your problems with these classes. The following chapter will also tell you about the creative arts classes as my school calls it. After that one I'll tell you how to fix your problems with those.

At first I was going to put major classes with the creative arts classes, but then I realized that might be to long of a chapter, so instead I'm breaking it in half.

Also as usal I will be looking up the real reasons for everything.

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