Elevators Bleach and the Dark

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Okay here I'm going to state some of the fears I have had before and maybe still do have. Then I am going to try to explain these things to you.

1.Elevators. Not the elevators themselves of course. The fact that if something went wrong I could go plummeting to my death and I would have absolutely no way of stopping it.

This especially worries me when I'm in an elevator with a specific person which I can not name. This person finds it funny to jump in the elevator. This person wouldn't be called skinny, and although this may sound rude it makes it harder to believe the big jumps this person does won't break the elevator and send us to our deaths way below.

2.This fear actually only lasted a little bit because I had to face it almost immediately. So I had used bleach for the first time ever and a few drops hit me when wringing out the rag full of it; plus it was all over my hands. I feared if I showered, the bleach and water would work like acid together and burn off my skin. That sounds morbid. I feared it though.

3.The dark. I feared that since things can hide in the dark easier than in the light that they would be hiding there and will then come out if they think I'm there. My plan to fool them? Turn toward the wall my bed is up against covering the back of my head so they can't see me. Not only is this plan not going to work it has two major flaws which makes it so it doesn't make sense. The first flaw is that they would; if they even existed, see you turning off your light and flinging yourself into bed! Two, there is; no matter what, going to be a body size lump where you are laying. They can tell you are there!!

1.This happens most likely because you know the elevators are run by cables or at least a lot of people know that. Since you know that you also know, if there is too much weight in that elevator, you will go down. It also won't be slowly either. First off even if there is just you and one other person in there and you're both skinny or not very fat, you still fear this. Why? Because a cable can snap or the elevator could have a break down and you can still plummet to your death. This does not necessarily make this fear totally rational. Most buildings have inspections. I think it's usually once a year, but some may be every couple of years. They must check to make sure the elevators are still safe to use right? And if they're not safe the building must have it fixed or close down at least that elevator. Then again something can change in between that time, so if it really scares you that much, I suggest finding some stairs to take instead if possible. If it's not possible suck it up and ride the elevator like myself, and there is a good chance you won't die. I believe in a way since I have this fear myself, I'm okay to say that since I literally have to do this every vacation.

2.First off I would just like to say I hope no one else was stupid enough the first time they used bleach to think like that. I am also truly sorry if you were planning to use bleach today and now don't want to due to the morbid thought I just planted in your brain. If you chose to come this far I would like to say it's okay that won't happen. I took a shower directly after using bleach on the kitchen cupboards and am still alive to tell the tale. Although if you use to much bleach your hands will still smell like bleach even after washing your hands with scented soap. The reason why this occurred for me was simply because I heard something about something in which I can't recall. It said something about something being bad for human skin like really bad, and that you shouldn't let your skin touch it. So since the irrational part of my brain likes to tell morbid tales to frighten the heck out of me, it decided, "Well since I don't remember, mise well come up with something frightening having to do with bleach." And so the combination of water and bleach now worked together to form an acid to melt your skin. I'm going to guess and say that this may occur from inhaling to much bleach or your brain just needed something to fill in the blanks with information that doesn't make any sense.

3.Now this one there are three reasons this may occur. One reason is that the horror movies and creepy stories are getting to you since it's dark and a lot of them come out at dark. Therefore making it so even though you know it's not real, you still don't know how to not be afraid of it. I can't tell you how to stop being afraid of these things mostly because I'm still trying to figure it out myself. But what I can say is whatever you are doing that makes the irrational part of your brain a little more comfortable, whatever it is, continue to do it. Although it doesn't get rid of your fear it does at least trick your mind into thinking nothing can go wrong when you do whatever you do. Why do I do what I do? Because it's like when walking in front of a bus for me I guess. If I can't see it, it can't see me. Although I also cover the back of my head, so I guess that helps to in force the thought. So that must be why my brain thinks the way it does. On to the second reason this may occur. This is not for me I'm the first one but I know I'm not the only one afraid of the dark so I need to say it. First off you may be more creative than you think. Your brain since it's dark might come up with some creepy creatures. Another is not so creative. It may be simply because you know murderers and kidnappers have a possibility of entering your home and doing what they do best. And that thought alone scares you. Or maybe something in your room has a silhouette like another fictional creature in your mind. Like I said I don't know how to stop this fear I am still trying to figure this out myself, but if I do figure it out I'll be sure to let you know.

If any of you guys have fears you would like me to decode for you to maybe understand even a little bit or want to know why you might do anything to help comfort the irrational part of your brain I can't say I will be very helpful, but I would love to take a whack at it anyway. Like I said if you read the disclaimer I will be doing a chapter after every chapter telling you what an actual person with those smarts has to say.

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