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Now I don't know if you know this about me, but I am a very curious person. I now want to know what makes us humans so curious. Not all humans are as curious as others which I also find quite intriguing.

I already have the tab up and everything on a page with the answers I seek, but I will not look at them until I come up with my own answer. I'm predicting the future as if I were predicting what'll happen next in a book. The only exception? I hate predicting what will happen next in books.

When I am forced to come up with a prediction in school, I don't have a clue as to what might happen next, and I like it that way. I want to read on and find out that way not guess. Plus ninety percent of the time I'm wrong. That's a guess I didn't actually research it. These types of chapters, I like to do research free. It's more fun that way.

Now I have strayed off topic. I do this often.

So curiosity. Let's face it. Without me doing research I have not a clue what the heck this thing about curiosity is. Why? Possibly because I'm thirteen and have no education on psychology. That would be no fun anyway. That way I wouldn't be able to make guesses. I already know the answer.

When you are curious what are you? You are wanting to know more. You want to find the truth. Think about all the google searchs you've ever done. If it's not for an image are they questions? Are you looking up information? If you are and it's of your own free will, aren't you curious? I mean come on you can't seriously tell me you aren't the least bit interested to know what the answer is to your own prayers.

There's a little bit of curiosity in all of us. I think this is especially useful to survival too. Let's take a look back to what we might consider the beginning of time. (apart from the dinosaur age)

The cavmen did a lot for us. If it weren't for them, the few that do still know how to build fires without a lighter or a match wouldn't know how.

Christopher Columbus was curious. He set out to show everyone else the earth was round. He got to America instead. I don't know if that makes him curious now that I think about it, but oh well.

Benjamin Franklin was curious. You don't believe me? He went out in a storm to discover electricity. I can't remember how, but his curiosity drove him to go out there in that storm and see if his prediction was right.

How about the first person to create a phone? I don't know who that is, but he or she must have been curious to see if there could be a faster means of communication. He did it. There is curiosity at work.

All the scientists of the world and from the past are curious. They go/went their daily life at their chosen jobs to discover new things about diceases and stuff.

What about the detectives? They've better be curious if they chose to work as a detective. I highly doubt that the only reason the became a detective is because they wanted to help solve murders and investigate crimes. I mean that's obviously part of the reason, but there is a good chance they're also curious.

Philosophers are another good example. Their main job is to learn more about the world around us. They are probably one of the most curious people.

The last group of people I want to mention are, sociologists. What is a sociologist you ask? They are the people that study people. They are the people who find out what happens when one person in a crowd sings aloud. Do the others join in? Do they look at the person like they're crazy? We don't know until they find out. This is actually one of the top ten jobs for curious people.

I think I have been avoiding the question long enough. What makes us curious? I think it's just apart of instinct that makes us curious really. For some the instinct of wanting to know more is still strong, but for others it's hardly there. Why? I don't know. I just think we're curious by nature really.

I think that's really all I have to say and I hope I haven't bored you to much. Do you want to know something about us humans? Leave a comment down below and I'll give my opinion then do the research. Have a nice day.

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