Part 49

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Chapter 49

"Hello everyone, this me... AJ welcoming you all lovely people into WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FINALS that will be between the BLACK CLOAKS and our defending champions THE BLADE BREAKERS, in the block matches we did saw a little glimpse of rivalry between the two teams but this is finals now and they are going for it all this time, we have already seen merciless cloaks and our defending champions with the new fire, so buckle up for what is coming on your way cause today we get our WORLD CHAMPIONS !!!"

"Kai is back in the battle, oh and ooh that final move!! I don't think Lay survived that and yeah we have a winner and it's The Phoenix yes... he told us yet again why he is defending champion, Bladebrakers leading the scores by 1-0."

"I don't think Tyson has fully recovered his health yet, maybe stars aren't in his favor this time oh and that was a sick blow, was it right to start with Kai for blade breakers?? and that's there Mandy has thrown Dragoon out of the dish, with this battle the scores are leveled up, the third battle will be the deciding one, it's been a roller coaster ride and are you guys ready for the heated up final battle?? we will be back after a short break."

"You sure, you want to do this ?" Kai asked worriedly. "Yes, don't worry!!" Arvi smiled at him before walking to the beystand. "Well, I will say I didn't expect this." Brooklyn said, raising his brow. "I know you didn't." Arvi smiled at him stretching a bit. "What makes you think that you can take on me?" He laughed. "Well my skills were always better than you if I remember it correctly." she said calmly.

"Oh yes, that's because you ditched me at the end moment and ran away with your team ain't that right?" Brooklyn said, clenching his fist. "Ran away ??" Arvi frowned, "Ran away ??? you think I left you behind and ran away? Are you that thick for real? we were sold out to the Lab you idiot, don't you see what they did to me? " she said, pushing her hair back making Brooklyn wide his eyes. "but...but we were told you guys breached the security and..." Brooklyn couldn't believe how easily he doubted his best friend and was influenced by his abbey masters, "obviously, would you like to be in the top 5 bladers if they told you they are going to sell you out after you make it there?" Arvi laughed "i....i.why didn't you tell me before ?" He whispered.

"Because you weren't willing to listen now, don't get on with the guilt and remorse phase I got no time for that anyway I don't want your sorry, I just want my friend back, show me what you got Brooklyn" Arvi smirked making him chuckle. "I got better than you could ever be, and this time you won't win, even if I don't feel the same hatred towards you I still have love for the championship." Brooklyn said, smirking." huh.. sounds familiar but we know what results are like always don't we?" She looked at him, " not this time, we are here to win and we are going to win, I am not going to let you win this. We get it even by me telling you my worth so that I can get over my insecurities." Brooklyn smirked. "ah... I like the confidence. Bring it on then!!" Arvi laughed as they launched their blades. "If you wish to win this, you made the wrong move I know Fawks nicely, you aren't going to win this." he said as the blades crashed with each other.

" Is this how you play in the new team, or you think I am not worthy ??" Brooklyn said glaring at her. "oh come on hot head! let me do my warm-up a bit." Arvi chuckled which turned out into a cough, " Magellan... follow him like a shadow don't let it slip." Brooklyn said as Fawks moved across the dish with speed and elegance. " I know all your tricks, this isn't going to work this time." He smirked at her "oh you wish you had got me figured out." Arvi smirked as Magellan crashed into Fawkes causing sparks all over which made her cough hard splitting blood this time which she wiped out quickly laughing. "Magellan... Thunderstorm..." Brooklyn shouted as his eyes were fixed on the blades spinning in the dish.

"wha... WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? Get back...stop hurting yourself... give it up!!" Kai yelled panicking as he watched her bleeding. "Stay back!!" her voice came up more like a screech of Fawks, Kai could feel the gush of warm air that surrounded the dish which he was unable to cross. " It's time for a win." Arvi said her eyes shining Green matching her hair that flew all around, Radiating heat, the burnt wounds started showing up on her body as she smirked wiping the blood off her face from the scratches caused by Magellan this time.

"I would have played some more, but sadly I don't have much time. FAWKS !!!" She yelled, calling the bit beast out finally. " WH.." Brooklyn said finally looking at her shook as he knew something was very wrong, Fawks which appeared to be in storm suddenly spun anti-clockwise releasing the big beast which appeared to be more colorful and bright than ever Fawks screeched in an angry and painful voice which made everyone cover their ears, but Arvi just smiled sadly looking at it. " you know this is the right thing to do." Arvi huffed losing her breath as she fell on her knees, Fawks busted into flames screeching loudly, radiating heat and power all over making people cover themselves. Magellan was thrown out off the dish turned pitch black with Brooklyn.

"Let me sit here a bit..." Arvi said as Kai helped her get down from the stand. " until the doctors come to take me." she said looking at Ray who was horrified looking at her condition to which they nodded making her sit near the pillar, she closed her eyes clutching her blade near her heart, her heart rate dropping.

"Arvi !! stay with me ok?? nothing will happen to you, we will just get you to the hospital."Kai said as he took her in his arms making her laugh a little. "It's too late for that...but we won!" she smiled at him. "Don't talk shit to me nothing will happen to you, I won't let..." Kai said his eyes filled up as he tried to speak up, " to me... there was nothing you could do... it's for the good... I am free... Fawks is free now..'s better than the slow painful death right??" She said, taking his face in her palm.

"Remember what you promised me? you do r..right ?" she smiled at him "You lied to me again, you knew this would happen... you did this to free Fawks, you knew bey battles were draining you and breaking your connection and you fucking lied to me again!!" Kai yelled tears rolling down his cheeks. " I... I am sorry but I had no other way, I am sorry I didn't tell you anything Ray, guys..." she looked at them sadly.

"Don't blame yourself, it was all me... " Arvi huffed. "No, I won't let anything happen to you... you cannot leave me like this, I LOVE YOU GOD DAMN IT !!" Kai said losing it. " I know. It's more of a reason I just couldn't tell you about this, I love you as well." Arvi smiled as she pulled him close to her as their foreheads met tears rolling down their cheeks.

"How can I let you worry? I am free now.. and I will be happy if you will be, promise me you will live a great life for me too?" she sobbed making him look away. "Promise me... you cannot back out from your words!" she said, making him face her to which he nodded, shutting his eyes tight, "Hand it over to someone worthy for me, won't you?" she said handing him Fawks as she smiled at him.

"Let me look at you nicely." she tried to laugh in her tears " I..I...m going to miss you guys." She said looking at her team finally as they cried, looking at her. "This isn't fair, you made me promise a lot of things, I want a promise from you too as well." Kai said looking at her, "Promise me you will wait for me." he said, forwarding his little finger, making Arvi smile in her pain as she slipped her finger in. "I Promise... I will." She said her life force finally giving up as their foreheads met again tears rolling down their cheeks, Kai clutched her tightly in her arms as she closed her eyes giving up.

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