Part 44

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Chapter 44

"I am sorry but it really is what we were afraid of..." The man said as he came out with the reports to which Arvi let out a sad little laugh looking away, " So it really went through my heart, That's Great." she said smiling as she fought to control her tears. "It not just through your heart it also kind of froze it, Wolborg is a powerful bit beast and the attack really messed you up." the man said, making Mr.Dickenson sigh.

"Not that great of an experiment, after all, don't be sad... it's not like we didn't saw this coming, we knew this will happen at some point of time, I will say I hoped this day would come earlier." she said letting out a small laugh. "Kid... we... we are still looking up, we will find some way out." Mr.Dickenson said patting her shoulder. "You already have done more than enough for me Mr.Dickenson, and I am really grateful to you for that but there is no use beating around the bush anymore, it's ok. It's just I finally had a kind of future in front of me right now the championship and friends... it's just strange, but it will sink in after all this is what I have been waiting for since what? ages?" Arvi said trying to console herself more than two elderly men in front of her.

"Yeah, I am fine. Spenser, it's not like I am dying, stop worrying these are just little scratches." Tala said rolling his eyes as he hung up the phone just when a figure caught his eyes which was trying hard to maintain balance, " Arvi are you fine?? oh my god !! you are bleeding." Tala said as he rushed towards her taking her arm around his shoulder helping her stand properly.

" Tala..?" her voice came as a mere whisper " yeah, it's me what happened ?? are you... wait is there someone with you? Kai ?" he said as he looked around worried to see her like this. " I am fine, it's just I feel a bit exhausted, let me... just sit." she said as she sat on the floor closing her eyes. " I think you should go in, let's see the doctor get you some medicines or something." Tala said as he kneeled near her. " I... I just saw the doctor, they say all is fine, don't worry for me." she said as she tried to smile sitting silently taking time to gain her strength. " you don't look fine." Tala said as he felt quite helpless as Arvi wiped her nose trying to stop the blood, as she tried to get up she hit the metal chair near her, " let me see!!" Tala said, taking her hand which was bleeding now " is... is it water with blood?" Tala asked as he looked up closely. " water?? " Arvi frowned as she looked at the wound. " it is really water, maybe I spilled some over myself " She chuckled looking at Tala who just frowned. " I am hungry let's just get something, if you don't have plans?" she said willing to distract him to which he nodded.

"Where were you ?" Kai asked annoyed as she stepped in the room. " I went to see Mr.Dickenson." she said, trying not to look at him. " is everything ok?" he asked his voice soft "yeah, I went to discuss something about the new training center." she smiled going through her stuff. "What's up with you? you look like a mess." She frowned as she finally looked at him, he was wearing black shorts and an oversized white tee-shirt, his blue trademark triangles missing and his hair looked like bird nest, not that he looked any less good though, let's face it he is The Kai Hiwatari, how could he ever look even average ??

"argh... I kind of overslept " He looked in the mirror as he tried to settle his hair. "That is good." she said as she tried to get her hair in a bun. "Wait..." Kai almost ran up to her pulling her hand away, to which she just looked at him with confused questioning eyes. "your hair... they... they look different more like metal, shiny...let me...." he said moving his hand forward to touch them while Arvi hurried back. " what? let me touch it, why are they so straight now?" He said as he pulled her close to him and got hold of strands of her hair. " what's wrong ? they even feel like metal... what is going on?" Kai said as he looked directly in her eyes making Arvi look away. " I don't know." she lied, gently pushing him away.

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